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Duel-Wield Blocking?


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Alright, I may actually be losing my mind, but after I updated to version 1.6 I swear to God I had the ability to dual wield block. Whenever I held the right button you would block with the left weapon, and when you right clicked then left clicked you would swing the left weapon. The power attacks and everything still worked the same, it was just that one little thing that had changed. I thought it was part of the patch, but now my game doesnt do it anymore. Maybe it was part of a mod and I didn't realize it? Has anybody experienced this and knows where it came from and what caused it???
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...would've made sense if you could block with the mid mouse button and use the right click as a secondary attack or spell


part of the advantage to dual wielding is that you can block easier (than with a one handed weapon and no shield)

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