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Scripting help? How to tell if an actor is attacking?


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Basically, I'm trying to get a script to detect when the player is attacking, and apply certain buffs to the player's stats. I don't see anything under the CK scripting reference that seems to address this condition.


Second question, is it possible to "trick" the game into thinking that the player is performing a certain action (e.g. blocking, jumping) even if they aren't?


Thanks in advance to anyone who can help! :)

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if Player.GetAnimationVariableInt("iRightHandType") for attacks with right hand

if Player.GetAnimationVariableInt("iLeftHandType") for attacks with left hand


If you want them to only trigger if the player is using weapons you'll have to add extra conditionals like the GetEquippedItemType conditional

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Scriptname Monitor_Combat_State extends Actor  
Trigers when the player enters combat.

Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)

aeCombatState = GetCombatState() ; I find "aeCombatState" to be unreliable. This is a reliable bugfix.
akTarget = GetCombatTarget()	      ; I find "aktarget" to be unreliable. This is a reliable bugfix.

If aeCombatState == 2			; I'm in searching mode.
;		Debug.Notification("[Monitor_Combat_State] CombatState = 2")
;		do my cool stuff
ElseIf aeCombatState == 1			; I started combat
;		Debug.Notification("[Monitor_Combat_State] CombatState = 1")
;		do my cool stuff
ElseIf aeCombatState == 0			; I have ceased combat
;		Debug.Notification("[Monitor_Combat_State] CombatState = 0. No longer in combat")
;		combat has ended, so here we need to remove any special stuff that we did earlier.
;		Debug.notification("[Monitor_Combat_State] Something unexpected has gone wrong.")




I designed the script written above to be put on an NPC. If you put this script on a player quest alias, you will probably need to make the script extend ReferenceAlias instead of Actor.


Edit: there are also Condition Functions such as "GetCombatState", "IsAttacking" and "GetAttackState" that you could use to make a Magic Effect activate/deactivate when in combat or not.

Edited by steve40
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Thanks for the replies!


@steve40 - Looks like a great script to try, however what I'm trying to do is determine if the player is actually in the process of swinging his weapon (attacking), and not simply if he is in combat mode.


I'm sorry for all the questions, but I'm new at Skyrim scripting and absolutely none of my web development/programming knowledge is helping me at all. Not to mention all the documentation on the wiki isn't very beginner-friendly.. So I'm a total noob at this point. :P


I'm trying to attach this script to the player so that it activates each time the player attacks with his weapon. It doesn't necessarily have to be hitting anything though. Right now I'm doing it by creating a quest and using OnUpdate() and RegisterForUpdate(0.1). I'm sure there are better ways of doing this so the script only runs when it detects the player attacking. Perhaps there's a better way of attaching the script to the player that I'm not aware of. :)


Again, thanks for the replies! Much appreciated.

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Try this:



Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

RegisterForAnimationEvent(akCaster, "BashStart")

RegisterForAnimationEvent(akCaster, "BowRelease")

RegisterForAnimationEvent(akCaster, "WeaponLeftSwing")

RegisterForAnimationEvent(akCaster, "WeaponSwing")

Debug.Trace("Registering for animation event!")


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