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New AMD driver update fixed my Skyrim


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Just thought I'd shout out to other AMD Radeon HD users that AMD just put out 12.6 BETA driver update. If you're having troubles like me where your computer is powerful enough to supposedly run Skyrim on ultra with no lag or stutter/fps drop but barely runs on high with roughly 20fps, then the update is for you. Once I updated the driver, I've had a smooth 60 fps with no drops and a custom ini with better-than-ultra settings. However, I still have problems using ENB, but nothing that Dynavision/Imaginator/URWL can't fix.


System Specs:

AMD 2.4 Ghz quadcore CPU

AMD Radeon HD 6530D GPU (although integrated, acts like a chip (1gb dedicated vram + 1gb shared vram))


Catalyst Driver 12.6

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I've got 5770 xfire, any idea how it works with xfire? I've had terrible problems with lag since 1.6 which has got somewhat better as mods have caught up and I've downgraded from high res mods to medium res mods, so performs better but not as good as on 1.5 patch. I get a yellow flickering background when in the save menu screen as well, not hurtful but disturbing.
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I've got 5770 xfire, any idea how it works with xfire? I've had terrible problems with lag since 1.6 which has got somewhat better as mods have caught up and I've downgraded from high res mods to medium res mods, so performs better but not as good as on 1.5 patch. I get a yellow flickering background when in the save menu screen as well, not hurtful but disturbing.



Works very well, just tested out the driver update and my Xfired Skyrim is running nice n' smooth :)

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How do you get 60fps on ultra graphics with your card when i get like 20-40 fps on my AMD Radeon 6750?


I streamline my Skyrim game everytime I start it. With the Process Manager I make Skyrim use ONLY the 3rd and 4th cores (Since it can only use 2 cores) and sets its priority to realtime. This in addition to the 12.6 update and I've had an awe-inspiring experience. Texture sizes aren't a problem and neither are shadowmap sizes anymore.


In accordance to PassMark, your 6750 is supposedly 2x as powerful as my 6530D. So if you're having that low FPS, delete all ENB files - especially d3d9.dll

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Installing Beta Drivers...

I have this:

CPU: FX-8150 (using only four cores so it does not overheat) @3.6GHz - Boost disabled.

Motherboard: 990x chipset Gygabyte

RAM: 8GB (2x4GB) @ 1.6GHz

GPU: Sapphire 6950 1GB unlocked to 6970


So I should be playing at 120, lol, but it barely passes 26, the same as my old system (e6800@3GHz, 4GB RAM, Gforce 240 1GB)

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FYI, Catalyst 12.6 (final) is out.









Oh, I don't recommend installing Catalyst 12.7 Beta. It causes interface glitches and other nasty stuff.




Edited by rpsgc
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