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Can someone help me please I really am getting sick of trying things and getting nowhere been at this now for almost 5 days if anyone knows what they are doing can they help me step by step as well the (preset I'm trying to use is called immersive wastelander and changes the looks of all the companions)
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you will need amazing follower tweaks, then for each companion, open amazing follower tweaks master control, click on manage companion, then click on sculpt, then click on preset, and click on the preset for the companion in question, then click done.


i checked the mod in question and it includes .json presets, which are for race menu + f4se


however said mod does include an esp file which i assume applies the presets to the companions, however since it is not working apperently, you can try doing it manually as mentioned above.


Note: doing it manually will of course require the companion to be following you, and you will need to do this for all companions you wish to change.


also ensure you have the following mods as said mod requires them:


1. Commonwealth cuts

2. Looksmenu Customization compendium

3. Lots more settlers and enemies

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