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New Actor Not Spawning Correctly


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First off, let me preface this post by saying that if I am posting this in the wrong place, I am sorry. I wasn't sure which area to post about issues arising while trying to create a mod. Now onto the topic at hand.


I am trying to create a Female Khajiit NPC and put her in a Metal Cage (the one shown on the loading screens sometimes). I hope to upload this mod here one day, so I don't want to give away too many of the details. Basically, using the Creation Kit, I put said Metal Cage on an island outside Riften, and placed the Khajiit inside it. But, my problem is that when I load Skyrim to see if she's in the cage, she's ALWAYS loaded right OUTSIDE the cage... I can't seem to get her to spawn INSIDE it. I have tried moving her to various locations around the cage and inside it, but she NEVER spawns inside it. Funny thing is though, my follower once accidentally spawned inside it.


Any suggestions would be MORE than helpful to me! Thank you in advance!

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Thank you so VERY much! That worked wonders!


I have one question, though. While she's in the chair, it won't let me talk to her unless I'm inside the cage too. Any idea why?


Also, since you seem to know a good bit about modding, how does Skyrim make the cutscenes where you are suddenly forced to look at an NPC and listen to them (I.E. when you get in trouble with a guard or just in certain quests)?

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