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Just can't get FCO working


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Absolutely new to modding, so let's get that out of the way.


I can't for the life of me get FCO working. As soon as I enable FCOMaster.esm, I get invasion of the punctuation marks.


Old World Blues is installed.


4GB patch was applied.


NVAC is installed and (I assume) working


NVSE is installed and verified through console while game is running.


UIO is installed and apparently working based on creation of ui_organizer.log in FNV directory. Looking through this log, the only supported file it finds and adds is mcm.xml. Not sure if there's supposed to be something there for FCO.


I've enabled BSA redirection in Vortex so "Vortex Archive Invalidation" is installed and enabled as a mod.


I installed FCO, most recent attempt I didn't choose any of the options, just basic install.


I've updated "bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1" in both FalloutPrefs.ini and Fallout.ini.


I've tried searches and reinstalls and all kinds of other options with no luck. WTH am I getting wrong?


BTW, happy to post log files or screenshots as needed.



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Try running the game thru it's 'normal' launcher. 4GB Patcher makes it where launching it normally--or thru Steam--Automatically activates the Script Extender. You can test to see if NVSE is running by typing the console command "getnvseversion" without the "quotation marks". And try going into Votex Settings and Hit the Switch on Archive Invalidation to Uninstall and Reinstall it.


Tried this Master fix yet?


Try the Optional Pathfixing mod on this one; NOT the Pink Faces fix for FCO (unless you get Pink Faces)



I managed to get FCO to work with this guide, alongside FNV Redesigned 3; you'll have to download and read the text folder.


I didn't follow the very last step, but it still worked.

This newer FNV Redesigned Mod might make it a little easier.




If you ever decide to give up on FCO, and try FNV Redesigned 3; it only requires the Old 2.3.1 version of FCO.

And use this Mod:


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I've been modding since Morrowind in 2003, and for the life of me, could not get FCO to work.


I followed the tutorials, tried the "Fix" patches, EVERYTHING, I always ended up with a red exclamation mark/missing textures/missing meshes no matter what I tried.


I gave up


I appreciate the reply, but none of that had any effect. I seriously just don't get it. That's the only mod I've got installed other than UIO. Actually meant that to be a reply to Leadrainpbh20

Edited by dgunthert
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