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Am I Stll.....


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Am even more curious now..:) If after marrying Lydia (and she dies---I resurrected) am I still married to her? Cuz it has been awhile since she has spoken any words of endearment--hasn't cooked me a meal---hasn't mentioned moving to another house--hasn't talked about her business--she does have that "what ya got for sale". She did do those things b4 she got killed. Also, the Amulet of Mara has no effect on others. Plz advise and ty.
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You killed Lydia!!


Did you make her walk into a trap?


I haven't had that many marriage. Perhaps she just...doesn't like you anymore?


Of course, you can check a savegame from before she died if it isn't too far back.

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I didn't mean to kill her. I like her a lot. A Draugh did a Th'um Shout on her and brought her to her knees--- just as I "missed" on 1 of my Firebolts--trying to stop him. :( How do I check her Disposition to me? My last good Save is way too far back.
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I checked the Disposition (thnx for the lead on how to do that) and it is 4 (Lover). No Lover's Comfort when Sleeping--no meals--no terms of endearment--(calls me Thane)---no talk of her business or moving. I don't want to Divorce her but I'd like all the above back :P How can I get those dialogue lines back? I've looked at all the Divorce Mods here and for some they work and for others they didn't. Not interested in making this problem even worse. xD Edited by Kyrenjai
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