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How to merge Textures


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Hi There,


I have a question about the file structure in Textures when install a mod. Here are three examples. i think the answer for all three should be the same, but I do not know what is correct.



1. I installed MGE and it placed a folder in the Morrowind Textures folder called MGE. inside of this folder are two .dds textures. Should these two textures be merged in to the Morrowind Textures folder, or should they indeed be inside of their own MGE sub folder which is inside of the Morrowind Textures folder?


2. The second mod is Pluginless No Glow. It also installed a folder in the Morrowind main Textures folder and it is called Magic Item. And inside of this folder are 32 .dds textures. Again, should these textures be installed in to the main Morrowind Textures folder or, indeed, should they be left in their own Magic Item sub folder inside of TEXTURES?


3. And lastly, I want to install Vanilla Plus Textures. Inside of the .zip file for this mod is a folder called Textures. Should the .dds textures inside of this folder be copy and pasted into the main Morrowind Textures folder, or should these textures be inside of their own textures sub folder?



I think you can see the drift of what I am trying to understand. In other words, I am thinking that if the mod textures are in sub folders, then they will not be seen...that they all need to be in the main Textures folder and that their should be no sub folders.



Thank you for sorting this out for me.



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Install them as they are. If a mod's packaged with textures in subfolders of Textures then that's where the mod's models expect them to be. If you move the files then the models won't find the textures, the game will throw an error and the model's will be white in game.
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Thank you very much for the insight. Yes, Pluginless No Glow and MGE have their own named sub folders in the main Textures folder.


Do you know specifically about Vanilla Plus Textures? It's zip file only has the one folder named Textures and I am assuming that this Textures folder is to be merged with the main Textures folder rather than being a sub folder in the main Textures folder.

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Texture replacer mods, which I assume Vanilla Plus Textures is, need to replace the vanilla game textures. All those are in the root of Textures and not a subfolder.


Have a read of the readme files which come with the mods you download (assuming the author's halfway decent) they should have an Installation section. Only a very few old mods (like 2002-2003) require extracting the archive and manually creating folders before installing. Most mods these days just require extracting into Data Files.

Edited by Dragon32
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Thank you very much for the insight. Yes, Pluginless No Glow and MGE have their own named sub folders in the main Textures folder.


Do you know specifically about Vanilla Plus Textures? It's zip file only has the one folder named Textures and I am assuming that this Textures folder is to be merged with the main Textures folder rather than being a sub folder in the main Textures folder.

The best way to install textures or any replacer(s) in Morrowind is to use Wrye Mash and doing that has some benefical advantages such as keeping track where the files is install and uninstall all files plus show conflicts and missing files.

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