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Project Spotlight: Fallout - The Frontier


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In response to post #65625326. #65628591, #65629366, #65633256, #65644816, #65655416, #65701121, #65715056, #65716061, #65720011, #65720376, #65727941, #65737981, #65739166, #65754506, #65841336, #65882791 are all replies on the same post.

VirusZ wrote: Yep, its one of THOSE modes, its never coming, well be waiting it like people wait for Skywind and Skyblivion.
This is depressing.
Somnium0 wrote: New California came out so why is this coming out an impossibility?
Dukoth wrote: oh you know, he's one of those kids that doesn't understand that things take time to make, he expects this, a mod the size of a game being made on peoples free time (and when they feel like it at that), to be finished in the same time as a professional game made by a team of near slaves working 100 hour work weeks
silencer711 wrote: @ VirusZ - I find your lack of patience, disturbing. (Star Wars reference)
InviteKnight wrote: New California was an 8 year project, maybe have some faith?
Skullface304 wrote: You have to realize that these people have other jobs and only work on this in their spare time. I can't wait for this to come out and I know it will in due time. I applaud these people for doing something different!
CodyA042 wrote: Are you an asshole professionally or just on the Internet?

As everyone has pointed out, New Cali did it, and Frontier sure as hell will too. You’ll see the mod within the next year, I’d be willing to bet on that.
VirusZ wrote: New California has nothing to do with this mod.
New California was made to provide a starting point for their Indie Game company, to show what they can do, so it had to be finished no mater what, it was a project made by 2 people, yes TWO, not a team like in this case. How old were you when NC started? I was 30, now im 38 and have gray hair.
So far none of the HUGE FAN mods came out, all Elders Scrolls conversions and additions perpetually delayed, except Burma which was the smallest one.
Its clear none of you have any understand how FAN mods work, when people have no dead line or actual reason to finish [oh some do have reason, some people use mods to get job in the industry, but most do it for fan], there is tons of drama behind the scenes, people argue about everything, during the last 23 years that im actively online and using the internet, i heard tons of stories, things like that people argued about "Job Titles" in a free fan mod and left the team because they didn't get Team Leader position, people argue for stupid reasons, people destroy others work, leave, dox, people that leave for their own reasons TAKE their work that was done on the mod with them and tell the team not to use it for the mod [if they have copies left] and so on,the road is hard and have tons of monsters!
Take Fallout 3 conversation, after they received tons of publicity the children behind it just got bored and found a solution how to kill the project while blaming Bethesda, which is 100% BS, because all other conversion projects still coding [very slow thou but yet], there was ZERO reasons not to finish the project without sound [if they were "really scared" of Bethesda] and let people convert the files themselves, easy, normal solution, everyone happy.

There is no reason to hype projects and then let people to dry for years, why not keep on low burner and announce it when its in Public Beta stage?!

P.S. Most of these mods do it for publicity and self-pride, i mean how stupid some people have to be to start for example a conversion of IP that was never moded like with Nintendo games or that Star Wars project an then go PUBLIC with it, what they expect? For the IP holder to ignore it?
Why not work on it quietly and when its done, release it, OPENLY, until the IP holder contacts them to remove it, it will be in peoples hands and what on the internet is on the internet FOREVER.

P.P.S. If you think im a hater, thats stupid, im a fallout fan and what Bethesda did with Failout 4 and ARK Failout Evolved 76 sadness me, I actually expect every single of these Fallout projects, in my eyes they are real Fallout games, games that Bethesda cant do because they became, lazy, greedy and lack any sort of imagination.
I don't like to be dried out in expectation for eternity, thats why i said that they should only announce these projects when its done, in this case if they kill it in the middle no one will know...
Im a realist and I actually been online from its Birth, from the modem era till this day and seen how many projects were announced but never came out, im talking from experience point of view. Basically out of big projects the stats will be 95% vs 5% or even higher, thats how bad it is.
Jereponibus wrote: I don't really have a good counter-argument to what you presented, so I'll just jump to the chase. If you check out their Discord, you will see the mod team is on it all the time and that they are sharing little tidbits of their progress and are constantly doing casting calls. They are even answering questions to all who are curious about the project. Though, I should mention that they are pretty secretive about most aspects of the mod's progression and refrain from giving a date or ETA other than "when it's done."

Nevertheless, I personally still have faith in the Frontier team and have not given up my hopes just yet. It even helps that on Twitter that they mention that they have moved into their beta phase and are no longer adding new content. I understand your skepticism and doubt and I don't expect to change your mind. All I'm saying is that it would be fair to at least see what info they have on their Discord and such before drawing a conclusion is all.
tgspy wrote: I appreciate the scepticism, and I understand the frustration. However, we've put so much work into the project by this point that's there no chance that this won't come out. We're already in the last stages of content creation, essentially stopping all further content development to focus on voice acting and bug fixing.
TommInfinite wrote: @VirusZ
It would literally be a crime to close this project now with so much (good) work already done.
LilLupus wrote: Look at the people working on this mod mate, these are New Vegas modding legends and this is their passion project.
damanding wrote: Apparently you've never heard of Tale of Two Wastelands, not only was that project completed, they released a major update just last month. Enderal is another large project that was also completed. Various other projects have also been mentioned already. Sure some teams don't make it, it's really hard to manage a large team of volunteers and keep enough motivated folks on board for the long term. But that doesn't mean they all fail.
VirusZ wrote: @tgspy, Thats great news, thank you.
JenModding wrote: Exactly as damanding said, Tale of Two Wastelands was released some time ago and even received a major update last month, Enderal was released and had an extra 'expansion' to it released some time ago as well.
The Beyond Skyrim projects are coming along well and have made a lot of progress since Bruma and are set to be able to be released at some point (they're effectively too far along now to be cancelled).
Fallout Miami is making good progress as well.
Skywind is making good progress too, and Skyblivion is still chugging along alright (albeit slowly due to having a small team).
weijiesen wrote: @VirusZ
Kindly take your negativity and pessimism elsewhere.
After reading this positive interview, where we share our development and so on, your first take is pure negativity.
That is depressing.

You claim to be Fallout fan, and yet you purposely write things that hurt the morale of -actual- Fallout fans who pour their heart and soul into this mod. Did you not stop to think about how our team would feel after reading your comments?
You see, a real fallout fan appreciates what we do, encourages us to continue.

The difference between a "fallout fan" and a "hater" is the fans WANT to see us cross the finish line.
You however? 100% of what you wrote is put-downs and negativity. aka 'hate'

You neglected to say a single thing in support of us and what we are doing. Zip, zilch, none, nada.
What was the purpose of your comment anyway?
You ask mod projects not to announce until it is in public beta, well I ask you then not to comment until you can confirm 100% that its not coming out.
Ediros wrote: Just ignore him, weijiesen. He is just plain stupid. Fallout Frontier will come out, unless bugthesda doxxes the mod or the meteor strikes the planet.

New California, Fallout 1.5, etc.

Huge mods take time, just like games. Look at Star Citizen, how long does it take to develop a game. And if your first response is to be negative after multiple trailers, developers logs and such, You should go play bugthesda's Fallout 76 since you are not a Fallout fan.

to the author, friend of this project !
It 's your passion that is remarkable ! ;)
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In response to post #65625326. #65628591, #65629366, #65633256, #65644816, #65655416, #65701121, #65715056, #65716061, #65720011, #65720376, #65727941, #65737981, #65739166, #65754506, #65841336, #65882791, #66077796 are all replies on the same post.

VirusZ wrote: Yep, its one of THOSE modes, its never coming, well be waiting it like people wait for Skywind and Skyblivion.
This is depressing.
Somnium0 wrote: New California came out so why is this coming out an impossibility?
Dukoth wrote: oh you know, he's one of those kids that doesn't understand that things take time to make, he expects this, a mod the size of a game being made on peoples free time (and when they feel like it at that), to be finished in the same time as a professional game made by a team of near slaves working 100 hour work weeks
silencer711 wrote: @ VirusZ - I find your lack of patience, disturbing. (Star Wars reference)
InviteKnight wrote: New California was an 8 year project, maybe have some faith?
Skullface304 wrote: You have to realize that these people have other jobs and only work on this in their spare time. I can't wait for this to come out and I know it will in due time. I applaud these people for doing something different!
CodyA042 wrote: Are you an asshole professionally or just on the Internet?

As everyone has pointed out, New Cali did it, and Frontier sure as hell will too. You’ll see the mod within the next year, I’d be willing to bet on that.
VirusZ wrote: New California has nothing to do with this mod.
New California was made to provide a starting point for their Indie Game company, to show what they can do, so it had to be finished no mater what, it was a project made by 2 people, yes TWO, not a team like in this case. How old were you when NC started? I was 30, now im 38 and have gray hair.
So far none of the HUGE FAN mods came out, all Elders Scrolls conversions and additions perpetually delayed, except Burma which was the smallest one.
Its clear none of you have any understand how FAN mods work, when people have no dead line or actual reason to finish [oh some do have reason, some people use mods to get job in the industry, but most do it for fan], there is tons of drama behind the scenes, people argue about everything, during the last 23 years that im actively online and using the internet, i heard tons of stories, things like that people argued about "Job Titles" in a free fan mod and left the team because they didn't get Team Leader position, people argue for stupid reasons, people destroy others work, leave, dox, people that leave for their own reasons TAKE their work that was done on the mod with them and tell the team not to use it for the mod [if they have copies left] and so on,the road is hard and have tons of monsters!
Take Fallout 3 conversation, after they received tons of publicity the children behind it just got bored and found a solution how to kill the project while blaming Bethesda, which is 100% BS, because all other conversion projects still coding [very slow thou but yet], there was ZERO reasons not to finish the project without sound [if they were "really scared" of Bethesda] and let people convert the files themselves, easy, normal solution, everyone happy.

There is no reason to hype projects and then let people to dry for years, why not keep on low burner and announce it when its in Public Beta stage?!

P.S. Most of these mods do it for publicity and self-pride, i mean how stupid some people have to be to start for example a conversion of IP that was never moded like with Nintendo games or that Star Wars project an then go PUBLIC with it, what they expect? For the IP holder to ignore it?
Why not work on it quietly and when its done, release it, OPENLY, until the IP holder contacts them to remove it, it will be in peoples hands and what on the internet is on the internet FOREVER.

P.P.S. If you think im a hater, thats stupid, im a fallout fan and what Bethesda did with Failout 4 and ARK Failout Evolved 76 sadness me, I actually expect every single of these Fallout projects, in my eyes they are real Fallout games, games that Bethesda cant do because they became, lazy, greedy and lack any sort of imagination.
I don't like to be dried out in expectation for eternity, thats why i said that they should only announce these projects when its done, in this case if they kill it in the middle no one will know...
Im a realist and I actually been online from its Birth, from the modem era till this day and seen how many projects were announced but never came out, im talking from experience point of view. Basically out of big projects the stats will be 95% vs 5% or even higher, thats how bad it is.
Jereponibus wrote: I don't really have a good counter-argument to what you presented, so I'll just jump to the chase. If you check out their Discord, you will see the mod team is on it all the time and that they are sharing little tidbits of their progress and are constantly doing casting calls. They are even answering questions to all who are curious about the project. Though, I should mention that they are pretty secretive about most aspects of the mod's progression and refrain from giving a date or ETA other than "when it's done."

Nevertheless, I personally still have faith in the Frontier team and have not given up my hopes just yet. It even helps that on Twitter that they mention that they have moved into their beta phase and are no longer adding new content. I understand your skepticism and doubt and I don't expect to change your mind. All I'm saying is that it would be fair to at least see what info they have on their Discord and such before drawing a conclusion is all.
tgspy wrote: I appreciate the scepticism, and I understand the frustration. However, we've put so much work into the project by this point that's there no chance that this won't come out. We're already in the last stages of content creation, essentially stopping all further content development to focus on voice acting and bug fixing.
TommInfinite wrote: @VirusZ
It would literally be a crime to close this project now with so much (good) work already done.
LilLupus wrote: Look at the people working on this mod mate, these are New Vegas modding legends and this is their passion project.
damanding wrote: Apparently you've never heard of Tale of Two Wastelands, not only was that project completed, they released a major update just last month. Enderal is another large project that was also completed. Various other projects have also been mentioned already. Sure some teams don't make it, it's really hard to manage a large team of volunteers and keep enough motivated folks on board for the long term. But that doesn't mean they all fail.
VirusZ wrote: @tgspy, Thats great news, thank you.
JenModding wrote: Exactly as damanding said, Tale of Two Wastelands was released some time ago and even received a major update last month, Enderal was released and had an extra 'expansion' to it released some time ago as well.
The Beyond Skyrim projects are coming along well and have made a lot of progress since Bruma and are set to be able to be released at some point (they're effectively too far along now to be cancelled).
Fallout Miami is making good progress as well.
Skywind is making good progress too, and Skyblivion is still chugging along alright (albeit slowly due to having a small team).
weijiesen wrote: @VirusZ
Kindly take your negativity and pessimism elsewhere.
After reading this positive interview, where we share our development and so on, your first take is pure negativity.
That is depressing.

You claim to be Fallout fan, and yet you purposely write things that hurt the morale of -actual- Fallout fans who pour their heart and soul into this mod. Did you not stop to think about how our team would feel after reading your comments?
You see, a real fallout fan appreciates what we do, encourages us to continue.

The difference between a "fallout fan" and a "hater" is the fans WANT to see us cross the finish line.
You however? 100% of what you wrote is put-downs and negativity. aka 'hate'

You neglected to say a single thing in support of us and what we are doing. Zip, zilch, none, nada.
What was the purpose of your comment anyway?
You ask mod projects not to announce until it is in public beta, well I ask you then not to comment until you can confirm 100% that its not coming out.
Ediros wrote: Just ignore him, weijiesen. He is just plain stupid. Fallout Frontier will come out, unless bugthesda doxxes the mod or the meteor strikes the planet.

New California, Fallout 1.5, etc.

Huge mods take time, just like games. Look at Star Citizen, how long does it take to develop a game. And if your first response is to be negative after multiple trailers, developers logs and such, You should go play bugthesda's Fallout 76 since you are not a Fallout fan.
mortis venunum wrote: to the author, friend of this project !
It 's your passion that is remarkable ! ;)

I dont see why everyones jumping all over VirusZ's case.
Even i was wondering what the cheese is going on cause theyve literally gone dark. The last official update on any medium that i could find that new frontier used to keep the community int he loop was back in june, except for on facebook where they replied to something about that post in june sometime in july.
And here we are, at December. The end of the year, something i would like to quote their official FAQ page, literally first thing on that page.
"When will The Frontier be available?
We aim to finish this mod as soon as possible, however we all only work in our free time. We are currently pushing for a max end of 2018 release."

"pushing for a max end of 2018 release"

and nothing is still being said officially. Apparently they have a discord thats active, but how the bloody hell are the normal fans and followers supposed to know or even expect that when the last update that ive seen is damn near 6 months ago?

Im not saying that theres an absolute certainty that its alive or dead, or that if anyone is right or wrong, but really guys. Normally when these things go dark, that usually means the projects dead in the water, and something bads happened. You know, real life does happen, teams do split up. Sometimes people lose their homes, or get stuck in a complicated situation that just pushes their project on the backburner. And as far as we know officially, theres nothing saying otherwise.

So i think we can most certainly excuse someone for having a little pessimism.

This said, @tgspy its nice to know that the team is still officially moving forwards, and plans on most certainly finishing the project.
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