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Some ideas to make Skyrim a sillier place


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A few thoughts... I doubt I'll make any of them, but who knows? If you like any of the ideas, feel free to run with them, or suggest your own. Just keep them ridiculous!


1. Dual-wielding bows. I imagine this would look pretty interesting in 3rd person view (obviously it would need new anims).


2. Conjure annoying child. Summons a kid who starts chasing the nearest hostile and pestering them incessantly with obnoxious questions and personal insults. Has the same effect as a fear spell, except it's conjuration based and the effect disappears when the kid is defeated/killed.


3. Conjure CTD. A scripted spell that saves and crashes your game.


4. The Chicken-Legged hut. This idea came to me from the old eastern legends of Baba Yaga, a witch who was supposed to live in a walking house. Using similar scripts to those found in carriages, a static object (the house) could be attached to an actor (the chicken legs). The house could then be ordered to walk from city to city, travelling using low-level processing while the Dragonborn rests comfortably inside.

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A few thoughts... I doubt I'll make any of them, but who knows? If you like any of the ideas, feel free to run with them, or suggest your own. Just keep them ridiculous!


1. Dual-wielding bows. uhh bows require two hands one to hold and pull the string. unless you mean cross-bows (Dawnstar DLC) Then yea that would be interesting and would need new anims for reload.


2. Conjure annoying child. uhhhh


3. Conjure CTD. Alt-F4


4. The Chicken-Legged hut. uhhhh


If you really want these then Conjure the annoying child and pester ask people in Modding Resource to help you :)

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Heh, making them isn't the problem - with the exception of #4, I could probably make them all myself. I don't actually care if they get made, they're just funny ideas that I figured were better off in "Mod Requests" than rattling around in the back of my brain! :rolleyes:
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These are great!


In Oblivion, someone did cheese, watermelon, etc. Atronachs That would be good, too.


The Secret (Insert ridiculous creature here) Dungeon. Similar to the Cow Level from Diablo 2. The boss could be a supersized version Bunnies, chickens, mudcrabs would all suit this well.

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Conjure annoying child would be AWESOME.


Chicken legged hut also cool - how about a version of "the luggage" from Discworld, so the player has a container following them around all the time (yeah I pick up EVERYTHING and spend my life trying to get unencumbered).


Myself and a good friend had one of those "everything is hilarious at the minute" ;) conversations a while back along these lines. Now I fully accept that these may be "you had to be there" to be funny, but from what I recall we came up with:



- Thalmor in their underpants

- EVERYONE has wabberjacks

- Big Fat Lydia

- Sexy Alvor (for some reason this still makes me LMAO)

- Giant chickens

- Flatulent horses (this was before Animated Fart Shouting was released, which is the best flatulence related idea ever)

- Vampire chickens

- Giant flatulent vampire chickens

- All nord women have beards

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1. Dual-wielding bows. I imagine this would look pretty interesting in 3rd person view (obviously it would need new anims).


Hold one in each hand, draw both strings with your teeth :D

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