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Why Morrowind is overrated


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After I watched the video for 7 minutes I gave up. That guy doesn't have a clue what he is talking about that's for sure.


Also, he miss the most obvious reason why people still play and mod Morrowind after more than 15 years and what I am talking about is the story as it add so much depth into the game. Which neither Oblivion and Skyrim has.


I also think that's wrong to post a video like that here, instead I think it's a lot better if he posted it himself and not by someone else.

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Also, he miss the most obvious reason why people still play and mod Morrowind after more than 15 years and what I am talking about is the story as it add so much depth into the game.

Actually, no I didn't miss it. I actually address that at the very end.



I also think that's wrong to post a video like that here, instead I think it's a lot better if he posted it himself and not by someone else.

That's actually me in the OP. I very clearly say "**my** thoughts" before giving the video. As in ... first person pronoun.

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What I took away from this half hour long rant is that like myself your first TES was Oblivion rather than Morrowind or Skyrim and as such your nostalgia filter is Oblivion-based instead of Morrowind or Skyrim based.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Everyone has the right to have his opinion regarding Bethesda games... the more loved and hated ever I guess. So I just can say why Morrowind isn't overrated for me: because is a work of art. Bethesda has given us a creature with not much flesh on the bones, this must be said... but many skilled an passionate guys have made this game a work of art:

MGEXE water shader is for me one of the most beautiful in modern games. It is not realistic, it's just beautiful. And Vurt's works on nature... Connary and Lougian textures... Piratelord and Darknut works... Aerelorn's Morrowind Enhanced... Abot and Antares creations... Wrye the genius... just to name some of my favorite artists out there.

Morrowind ages with me. I've just transferred my old install in a new pretty performing laptop... looks simply beautiful. And with some care in installing mods, runs very smooth.

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Morrowind is largely overrated by nostalgia I suppose, based on the feeling it gave when it was released. The vanilla game has a lot of defaults but fortunately the huge majority is fixable through mods and the Code Patch.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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  • 2 weeks later...

Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, Skyrim in the vanilla state all have major issues that would prevent me from playing them in a pure vanilla state. But I thank the Elder Scroll divines for the amazing modding community. With utilities, patches, code fix and mods for all of these games are among my favorite to play. I even play Daggerfall with fixes installed.


To be able to customize my game with mods and fix issues with patches and utilities is gaming goodness for me. Sure there are learning curves and pains to modding these games, but it is worth my time and effort to mod these games.


And being a fan and collector of classic arcade video game cabinets and pinball machines from decades ago, a game's age has no meaning or factor for me on how much I can enjoy it.


Actually I am just now reinstalling Morrowind on a Windows 7 system and getting it patched up with Utilities and Mods for another play through. Love the classics.

Edited by AlexZander40
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Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, Skyrim in the vanilla state all have major issues that would prevent me from playing them in a pure vanilla state. But I thank the Elder Scroll divines for the amazing modding community. With utilities, patches, code fix and mods for all of these games are among my favorite to play. I even play Daggerfall with fixes installed.


To be able to customize my game with mods and fix issues with patches and utilities is gaming goodness for me. Sure there are learning curves and pains to modding these games, but it is worth my time and effort to mod these games.


And being a fan and collector of classic arcade video game cabinets and pinball machines from decades ago, a game's age has no meaning or factor for me on how much I can enjoy it.


Actually I am just now reinstalling Morrowind on a Windows 7 system and getting it patched up with Utilities and Mods for another play through. Love the classics.

I concur. I couldn't say it better myself. :smile:

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Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, Skyrim in the vanilla state all have major issues that would prevent me from playing them in a pure vanilla state. But I thank the Elder Scroll divines for the amazing modding community. With utilities, patches, code fix and mods for all of these games are among my favorite to play. I even play Daggerfall with fixes installed.


To be able to customize my game with mods and fix issues with patches and utilities is gaming goodness for me. Sure there are learning curves and pains to modding these games, but it is worth my time and effort to mod these games.


And being a fan and collector of classic arcade video game cabinets and pinball machines from decades ago, a game's age has no meaning or factor for me on how much I can enjoy it.


Actually I am just now reinstalling Morrowind on a Windows 7 system and getting it patched up with Utilities and Mods for another play through. Love the classics.

My response to this is best summed up in 15:37 - 16:25 of this video:


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