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Snapping on vendor stalls


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Hi guys,

I'm using OCDecorator and CREative mods in order to add more clutter to my vault settlement.

For somereason, I can't get clutter on top of vendor stalls to snap to their surface (the same way it does for most tables) so i have to painstakingly place them in the exact height using the Place Everywhere mod.

Any fix for that?


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Haven't used OCDecorator in a long while because of too many CTDs and incompatible with a whole bunch of mods. Only fix would be addung snap-points to items like with the Do It Yourshelf mod. But I use Place everywhere abundantly myself and find nothing "painstaking" about it. You are aware you can turn off collision by hitting F2? And that you can alter distance of moving an object with the "/" (less) and "*" (more) keys?


Turning off collision is very helpfull for placing floor/foundation items or hanging stuff from a wall. Items tend to want to jump up or down along a wall or don't want to sink into the ground with collision turned on.

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