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deleted Skyrim


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I just deleted Skyrim from my computer. Of course, like many others, I don't like the way bethesda forced Steam on us. And there are a few minor things like no 1st person horse riding, an over complicated and confusing perks tree, no unlocking spells and the fact that every time Bethesda makes a new game they leave out the good features of their previous games. And they don't seem to have learned anything from the modding community. They keep making the same mistakes. But the straw that broke the camel's back for me was that, if you fail a quest, either the game, or Steam , I don't know which, won't let you go back and try it again. Maybe I waited too long to do the main quest, I don't know, but when I took the silver ring from one merchant and planted it on the other merchant, even though I suceeded, ol' whats his name told me I took to long to do it. Fine. But when I went back to a previous save to try it again the game made it impossible to do so. I think Skyrim is to rigid they way it is set up. You have to do everything exactly like the game is written. I play these games for my own amusement, not to compete with others on line. So unless Bethesda changes it's game making policy drastictly, and gets rid of Steam, by the way, I will not buy any more Bethesda products. Considering these poblems, I really don't know why this game is so popular. This is a good game, but it could have been so much better.


PS. Bethesda can take Steam and the Valve corporation and stick 'em where the sun don't shine!

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So you hate Steam because....?



Oh and the perk tree is pretty simple. Unlock a point to use after level up, find a skill you often use or need to upgrade, read description of the perk highlighted, click, tada.

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You can't please everyone. As for failing in that quest, I have failed it a couple of times but loading a save has always worked. As for Steam, I don't like it much, as I have satellite which is costly, but I can understand the need for it with all the piracy around so I tolerate it. In an ideal world it wouldn't exist
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There are plenty of good arguments to be made against Skyrim, this is not one of them. If the game is not for you that's cool though. I'll keep playing (because I enjoy it) and you can play a game you enjoy, everyone wins.


I only hope you don't stick around the forums bashing the game for months after you quit playing it.

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"This is a good game, but it could have been so much better."


Agreed lol; but, this is Bethesda we're talking about who have a debatable reputation for 'prematurely' (for lack of a better word) releasing

huge/complex and as a result sometimes buggy games, its easy to get into a 'Skyrim rage' attitude because of this and i sympathize.


I'm not defending Bethesda and these comments are purely my opinion, its just the way their games sometimes are, i've accepted it and prepare for issues.

They do try to patch afterwards, if they waited to get a game like Skyrim completely fixed it would probably not have been released for another year or more.

Many fortunate gamers report having few issues and are entertained.

Just have to be careful (and lucky) completing quests, or replaying them, avoid open explorable world glitches, relax and don't sweat the small stuff.


This game was made primarily with the Microsoft Xbox 360 console in mind and then ported to the PC.

It works but not perfectly, its generally recognized that performance limitations of consoles (except money making) has sadly held back the potential of the PC.


Keep the game in offline mode, block/ignore the Steam stuff, its just a game deployment business model that many gamers find convenient.

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Maybe the plant-the-ring-on-the-guy thing was a bug in your game? I took one heck of a long time to do that quest, and it still worked for me even after I ignored doing it for like FOREVER.


I loves me Skyrim.

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I agree about steam, I hate it so much but that doesn´t stop me from enjoying my favorte games so I tlerate it for new vegas and skyrim, it´s your loss if you don´t want to play skyrim. Think it could be worse like the cloud system.
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