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deleted Skyrim


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"This is a good game, but it could have been so much better."


Agreed lol; but, this is Bethesda we're talking about who have a debatable reputation for 'prematurely' (for lack of a better word) releasing

huge/complex and as a result sometimes buggy games, its easy to get into a 'Skyrim rage' attitude because of this and i sympathize.



This game was made primarily with the Microsoft Xbox 360 console in mind and then ported to the PC.

It works but not perfectly, its generally recognized that performance limitations of consoles (except money making) has sadly held back the potential of the PC.


Keep the game in offline mode, block/ignore the Steam stuff, its just a game deployment business model that many gamers find convenient.

bethesda makes massive open worlds, i don't know of any game company that makes games as big as bethesda games,but saying they have a reputation for releasing games too early...their games are so big that you have to release the game at some point, you can't work on it forever and never release it, i think how they do it is fine. they release their games near the end of the year, and they work on em and patch problems afterword, i had skyrim the day it came out and it played fine. other than some quest bugs but the gameplay was fine. skyrim wasn't released too early and FO3 played fine also when it came out...you can't hold the game back forever ,they do need to sell their games at some point. and as it is, they only release a game every 2 or 3 years.

Edited by arcanewizard
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I Agree with you regarding Steam, and I also will not be buying another game if Steam is required. The argument that steam is to stop piracy is ridiculous. However Skyrim is a good game made much better with mods.
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The impresion is that steam stops pirates and it does not. A padlock will actually deter theft. And Steam does not deter piracy. Anyhow there are plenty of other gaming companies that do not require steam and do not have any greater or less problems regarding piracy.
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I love Skyrim. And if that means putting up with Steam's overbearing high-handed bullying and their destructive belligerent intransigent incompetence and stupidity, then that's what I have to do. I couldn't possibly delete Skyrim, no matter what. But I think everyone should urge Bethesda to sack Steam, and issue Elder Scrolls VI without Steam. And produce a copy of Skyrim without Steam as well. Doing that would eliminate a vast amount of unnecessary suffering in the gaming world.
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I don't understand the hate for Steam.


I haven't had many problems aside from minor inconvenience. I rather like picking up games for a fourth of their price every once in a while.


*shrug* Guess I'll just go play some TF2 while you guys rage about it.

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I don't understand the hate for Steam.


I haven't had many problems aside from minor inconvenience. I rather like picking up games for a fourth of their price every once in a while.


*shrug* Guess I'll just go play some TF2 while you guys rage about it.


I don't either. Not one person that said they hated Steam actually gave a good reason as to why. Other than the inconvenience.

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Maybe I waited too long to do the main quest, I don't know, but when I took the silver ring from one merchant and planted it on the other merchant, even though I suceeded, ol' whats his name told me I took to long to do it. Fine. But when I went back to a previous save to try it again the game made it impossible to do so.


The first little quest for the Thieves Guild? That part is way too easy. Loading a previous save should work (except when it doesn't of course).

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