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Help please


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Hi Ive been 1 cm from crushing my keyboard with an axe cutting my comp to

pieces with a chainsaw and throwing the **** out of the window without opening

it first. Ive tried atleast 20 times to make a quest the only thing we have to do to complete the quest is to take an item from something ive inserted im my new mod

(the something is a secret because im going to upload the mod when im done).

if someone could tell me how to do it my face would change from :angry: to :D

all help will be appreciated.


Btw don't mension scott fishers npc tutorial

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the thing thats going on is that i made a girl in a glass armor to ask me for help because she is to scared to do it herself and ive followed scott fishers(seems like an idiot from the tutorial)

tutorial on how to make an quest but it doesn't explain how to make the quest pop up in the journal

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Ok...in the dialogue editor, start a new journal - eg MY_JOURNAL

Add the text you want the journal to show - eg 'a girl asked me to help her...'

Look for the field which says 'index' and enter a number - eg 10


In the dialogue window, go back to the response where you get the quest


In the results field type


Journal MY_Journal 10


This will add the entry to your journal as soon as that line as dialogue has been spoken.

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The stars means that this journal is part of your mod


To give the player a choice, pick the dialogue response where you want the player to choose...eg 'will you help me with this'


In the results field, type


Choice "Whatever you want the player to say to accept the quest" 1 "What the player says to refuse" 2


Above that dialogue response make a new response. In the conditions field, select function , choice = 1

The text for that response will be what she says when you accept the quest (probably the one where you want your journal update to occur too)


Above it, make another response for function choice =2


Add the dialogue when she hears you don't want to help her


If you want you can also add a journalentry here so that it says in your journal that you didn't want to help her - Journal MY_JOURNAL 5


Make sure you add the text for that to your journal by creating a new line, and giving it a number - eg 5

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In the greeting for your NPC - or in one of the existing topics like latest rumours, little advice etc, add the line


AddTopic "my new topic"


to the results field



Then, in the lists of topics, make the new topic, and add dialogue for your NPC to it

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