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The Readme in mod files calling all modders


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Is there any reason why the person downloading the mod can't rename it?


No. Same as there isn't a reason why the author can't.


I'm not gonna preach about it too much 'cos I haven't even included a readme in my mods yet, which is an even worse thing to do (and it is up to modders to do whatever they want, it's their file). But when I do include one I'll name it something that matches the mod title.


Just seems to make logical sense to me to not have a generic title when you know that most users will be extracting multiple mods into the same place. If it needs to be there, I'd like it to be easy to identify and find, especially considering how little effort it is to do in the first place. (Yeah I know, like the little effort of actually including one, I'm not without sin here...) http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


Also, if the author does it, it's done. One tiny bit of work. If the users need to do it, that's several tiny bits of work. Efficiency innit?

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It's not going to happen though, anyway having to rename things isn't new, it's like having to rename achieves that have been named "file" or something equally useless. Best to do it yourself, use a name you recognise.
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While I name my readme's something other then readme, its really not that big a deal to just rename it yourself. Pretty simple fix so I do not see it as some huge major issue that is simply so annoying I would have to not use the mod.
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