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> Question About Power Armor

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Hi guys ,

Is there a way that when i step out of a power armor on a custom animated floor (or something like conveyor belt) ingame ,

that then the power armor stay on the custom floor when the floor moves and not just floating there.

I wanna make sort of storage/garage room where i can store a power armor with a animated floor that comes out and goose back in the room.

Is there a sort of keyword in the power armor or do i have to put some keywords/script in to my custom animated floor ? any ideas ? :confused:

Please as simple as it can don't wanna spent to much time for this one.


This is a video of what i wanna fix also with elvators is the same:


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For the power armor frame to work the way it does, it's set up in the game as an unmoving item of furniture when no one is in it. When you activate it, the game plays an animation of you climbing into it, not unlike an animation of you sitting down on a chair. It also functions as a special container in the furniture state holding only power armor pieces and one fusion core. When you climb out of it, it's going to stay right where you were standing, just like a chair when you stand up.

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RE Post #1

awesome idea.

so, you may wish to check out

Cypher2012's Train parts set,

and Greek-Rage's "Novelty Doors and Elevators".


Greek-Rage's "Revolving door/ lazy susan wall", it's possible to have the reveal that way.



that then the power armor stay on the custom floor when the floor moves and not just floating there.

so, you anchor a Power Armor Workbench to an Elevator Node/SCOL,

and, the power armor bench will move with that node,

it is then effectively a kludge'd "co-moving SCOL association" back-end,

as per Kediwah's discussion in the Optimization Thread.

which can be 'controlled' from a connected in-game terminal.

ie, Power On/Button Pushed, elevator goes to floor 1 type setup.




you can have the individual surfaces of a conveyor belt

count as a 'hidden Power Armor Workbench"

which may actually be in an adjoining New Lands -> Interior Cell etc.

To have that then call function while you're like SKK50 kinda distances (see SKK50's Record Setting 'long-shot" vid hehe)

that gets into stuff like "QuestRefAliasID" stuff.



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Thnx guys i think the train mod can be usefull i will check it out don't think it's gonna be easy but ill try.
Btw isn't there a script for when object_1 get in contact with object_2 that it get attached to it


and when it's not that it is not attached to it or something like that? I think maybe that can be helpfull if there is such a thing.

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RE Post #5

nyes... that is a possible pathway,



however, if all you want is an 'anchor-node' to append to that moving elevator surface...

why go a harder route with that and quest-ref-alias stuff if you don't necessarily have to?


that's the method which the 'claw' picker-upper robo-crane arm uses in that mod

for the "Bobcat Driveable Vehicle" and the SK-54 (a variant of S-64/CH-54d) "Picker-upper Vertibird".

you can use that to move the mobile-workbench facility

to place your portable 'player home' anywhere the Picker-Upper can land.


Also, say you're in a combat situation;

with that method, you will become 'stuck in flypaper' on that node,

and if you don't have the Pipboy Menu or a direct setFlag on it,

you will have to eject from the power armor.

Great as a 'trap' to constrict adversary power-armor (perhaps with a 'forcefield' motif of 2D-decal primitive too?)

not so great if you can't exit the power armor...

Also, for some reason, if you try making a 'fly-paper' placeable decal/trap field like that,

for some reason Settler NPCs are still able to abscond with the power armor.

you might make a 'flypaper moat' to prevent folks from escaping with your power-armor, or Automathrones etc.




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