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New Skyrim game to start, using MOST/not all of current NMM-Mod setup?


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Hi folks


I would like to run this question by you knowledgeable Mod folks; it’s a 'Does this approach work...or do I need to do something else?' inquiry


1. I have a newly installed Skyrim [sSE] from about 4-6 months ago, run via Steam, mods installed using NMM.


2. I have exactly 28 mods added

...and I am quite happy with how it all works well


3. But the thing is this: I wish to start a NEW game, update 3 of the mods (due to new versions)...and that includes HUGE mods with updates (e.g., Unofficial SSE patch)...remove 3 mods, and add 3 mods never tried

So my plan is this


1. Keep my current Steam Skyrim SSE (not delete/reinstall it all)

2. Keep the mods I’m not changing untouched

3. Both Deactivate, AND 'DELETE from all profiles' (via NMM) the mods I’m updating; and then immediately install the updated mod versions

4. Both deactivate & delete the 3 mods I do not wish added this go around

5. install the 3 mods I Do wish to try

...and then just fire up Skyrim SSE as a New Game


So....is that an A-OK 'clean enough' way to go?; is that doing anything wrong?; would folks recommend a different approach (e.g. Nuke it all, and reinstall it all) Knowing that I think my current setup runs well, it’s just a new game with those few changes I wish to do


Thank you in advance for listening





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thank you; I tried to be logical in my approach.

I knew I could always uninstall all NMM mods, uninstall Skyrim SSE, reinstall Skyrim sse, reinstall desired mods...I just thought I could 'safely' do 'my version'

Looks like you think the same :-)


One last question


I know of Vortex; haven't used it before

If I WAS to try Vortex, I think I WOULD take the 'former route' of total Uninstall of EVERYTHING and Reinstall of everything with Vortex instead of NMM


So this 'residual' question is this...

Is Vortex SO MUCH better its worth the total nuke/reinstall approach?

...being that I'm the type of guy who adds all his mods from the 'git-go, with little or any changes during a playthru


thank you



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