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Topics/Threads being removed...?


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I'll start out by stating that I literally never post on forums or social media. I'm not some zealot or "Keyboard Commando" whining about Bethesda or the state of Fallout 76. All I'm looking for is an honest answer to my question.

Topics are being removed on the forums. Why? They didn't contain content promoting cheating or doing anything illegal. It was simply people sharing info and doing what we do here - modding!

I get it. Zenimax has over two billion in equity, and when they come knocking I'm sure it's scary. But here are the facts:

1. The company released an incomplete product on the market.

2. That same company lied about the contents of their product.

3. They're about to be facing multiple lawsuits for those mistakes.

I didn't purchase my copies of Skyrim, Fallout 4 or 76 because of the exceptional content that Bethesda put out in the world. They laid the foundation, and I was happy to hand them my money for it. But they only earned those dollars because I knew that Nexus was going to have the content that I ACTUALLY want. Caliente, Arthmoor, Expired, whoever else - those guys are doing the Lord's work, lol. Now we aren't letting that happen, and I'm super bummed Nexus, I really am.

If I were an investor in Zenimax I'd be calling up Mr. Altman or Leder and asking the hard question. WTF are you doing!? LOL

Just ranting on your behalf Nexus. It's this community that got me into Fallout, not Fallout itself. I hate the fact we are caving here. Bethesda/Zenimax messed up, not us. We're improving their product. They would have LESS revenue without Nexus and its contributors, because I know my experience can't be unique.

Alrighty, glad I got that off my chest. >_<

Peace and love to all!

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I'll start out by stating that I literally never post on forums or social media. I'm not some zealot or "Keyboard Commando" whining about Bethesda or the state of Fallout 76. All I'm looking for is an honest answer to my question.
Topics are being removed on the forums. Why? They didn't contain content promoting cheating or doing anything illegal. It was simply people sharing info and doing what we do here - modding!
I get it. Zenimax has over two billion in equity, and when they come knocking I'm sure it's scary. But here are the facts:
1. The company released an incomplete product on the market.
2. That same company lied about the contents of their product.
3. They're about to be facing multiple lawsuits for those mistakes.
I didn't purchase my copies of Skyrim, Fallout 4 or 76 because of the exceptional content that Bethesda put out in the world. They laid the foundation, and I was happy to hand them my money for it. But they only earned those dollars because I knew that Nexus was going to have the content that I ACTUALLY want. Caliente, Arthmoor, Expired, whoever else - those guys are doing the Lord's work, lol. Now we aren't letting that happen, and I'm super bummed Nexus, I really am.
If I were an investor in Zenimax I'd be calling up Mr. Altman or Leder and asking the hard question. WTF are you doing!? LOL
Just ranting on your behalf Nexus. It's this community that got me into Fallout, not Fallout itself. I hate the fact we are caving here. Bethesda/Zenimax messed up, not us. We're improving their product. They would have LESS revenue without Nexus and its contributors, because I know my experience can't be unique.
Alrighty, glad I got that off my chest. >_<
Peace and love to all!



Hi ashmash,


I'm not really sure what exactly you're getting at here. I won't get into a discussion about people's opinions of Fallout 76, but we only remove mods that are violating our Terms of Service in some way.


Many of the removed files for Fallout 76 were uploads using assets without permission, which we remove for any game.


If you have further questions about the moderation of the site, please send me a PM.

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