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Fallout 4 randomly crashes to desktop with out warning or error logs?


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Welcome to Fallout 4. That's the answer right there. The game is simply badly optimised and gets kicked randomly. Log errors won't help much anyway as a log error just tells of the very last stage of what went wrong. You can have a truck smash into a car at a crossroads and the car flies into a gas station, the station's reservoirs explode and one of the station's pumps goes up like a rocket to fall through a resident's glass kitchen roof a mile further down the road, killing the house cat. The log will mention the cat got killed by the gas station pump. But not about what caused that pump to be in that location...

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yeah this happens to my game probably 5 times per play session, just disappears and Im on my desktop without skipping a beat. Im with jimmy, I just put it down to "this is a bethesda game", thats about as good an explanation as you can expect as to why it happens and why it will doubtless never be fixed. You can be pretty sure no one at bethesda is even attempting to figure it out, theyll just have filled it under "yep, that happens" and moved on.


You have to mod ur game, its worse without mods than with them. At least with mods u can do things like save in survival mode, which allows you to keep playing thanks to only losing maybe 2-5 mins of time each time something like this happens, rather than losing an hour and then your sanity, followed by uninstalling.

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