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Neck stumps become invisible after decapitation animation completes. It might have something to do with Ordinator.


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A rather irritating problem to have after going through the seemingly endless process of installing Lexy's Legacy of the Dragonborn modlist: Once a body ragdolls after being decapitated (as soon as the animation is done), the neck stump and surrounding skin disappear entirely, such that I can look straight through the body from the gap left open.

Here's the confusing part, though: It only happens once I activate an Ordinator perk. On a clean level 1 character, nothing's wrong. Once I use the console to add in all the perks, the problem shows up. Unfortunately, I don't know *which* perk is at fault, and I'm not about to try all 400+ of them one at a time to find out. I was hoping someone here might have a more efficient way of finding out what the problem may be.

As far as I can tell from perusing SSEEdit, Ordinator doesn't touch the neck stump model, so it could possibly be an interaction between Ordinator and another mod (maybe VioLens?). I don't know what I'm missing, but from all appearances, nothing is touching the Armor or Armor Addon records relating to decapitation. Enhanced Blood Textures adds a keyword to the DecapitatedHead record, but that's it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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If you don't want to try the perks one at a time, perhaps you could use a batch file to add them in groups of 100. Find which group the problem appears with, test that group again as the only group (to rule out conflict between perks in different groups). Then break that set of 100 down into smaller groups. Repeat the process once the problem appears again.


You'll still do a lot of testing but not near as much as you would testing each one individually.

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