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Polymorph Raven


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After Xilverbulet's
came out i have been hoping and hoping for a Polymorph Raven spell for my Raven themed character. His backstory is that he assassinates people who do bad, and he is supposed to be able to transform into a raven and thats how he witnesses the bad things. So if anyone could re-direct me to one or even make one! it would be extreeeemely appreciated. Thanks - Reubs.
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Offing bad people ?? you mean like "The Crow" (TV series)??


Only difference is that the crow can't change in to an actual crow. He is able to see through its eyes though.

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Wow, if so my character is under copyright infringement :blink:



I had never heard of this series, but it sounds JUSt like my character. Today i offed some guy coz i heard that he was like a part of some evil corporation in Cheydinhall.


But basically, Yes. I want that mod. :thanks:

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Actually, the Raven wouldn't need new anims, just a model and a texture to hook up with my tweaked imp skeleton. Anyhoo i was planning to make the Raven first, since my favourite character is a Scandinavian Druid. The bat polymorph is my first mod and I've never seen Xilverbullets Wolf polymorph. If anyone can show me where it is then maybe i can fix some immersion issues and bring you all a better collection of realistic Polymorph spells. Oh and thanks for the texture, it was just a simple retexture of MrSiikas original texture to make it more Vampy :thanks: . I'm crap with modeling - everything i've tried to do in blender has been a failure, even editing meshes.:D
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