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I'm gonna address a Fallout-related elephant in the Internet room


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Obsidian's new IP certainly looks interesting, and of course people are gonna be saying that they're gonna show Bethesda how it's done, and no doubt comparing it to Bethesda's Fallout lineup.


But I have a confession to make, I have never played any of the Black Isle Fallout games (I don't like point and click gameplay in all honesty) so my first Fallout game was actually Fallout 3, which I actually really like (Cause I didn't have nostalgia goggles when I went into Fallout 3, I had never even heard of Fallout until I played 3), and of course i'm looking forward to Obisidian's new game


I just wanted to get that out there, and i'm sure it'll be superior to Fallout 4 (Fallout 4 bored me more than anything else)


and I don't even need to mention Fallout 76


I cannot say anything for Fallout New Vegas, in all honesty that one's still stewing in my mind so i'm not sure what to think of it, I need to play it more to form a definite opinion, but i'm sure you guys probably think it might be at least on par if not somehow better than New Vegas (Cause according to everyone, New Vegas is the best of Bethesda's Fallout games, and it to was developed by Obsidian)


I just wanted to say that

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Between Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, I have absolutely zero confidence in Bethesda. I will not buy the next Fallout or Elder Scrolls game when they launch. I might buy them after they have been out for a while, and the key word there is "might". Fallout 4 was a scatterbrained mess that didn't seem to know what type of game it wanted to be. Fallout 76 was a blatant cash grab. I don't trust Bethesda to make a proper RPG at all these days. They really just don't seem to understand what an RPG is supposed to be. They also don't seem to be able to focus. It's like they write down a bunch of random ideas, throw them into a hat, and pull out a bunch, and that's the game.


I have only seen the official announcement trailer for Outer Worlds, but the part where the woman says "you know you didn't have to shoot either one, right?" makes me think that Obsidian still understands what an RPG is supposed to be. They give you a choice, and your choices matter.


Obsidian also seems to be creative. The dev team at Bethesda seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel. They are out of ideas. I was really excited when I came across the USS Constitution in Fallout 4. That was creative. I was very disappointed to learn that this was about the only creative thing in the entire game. There's no depth to anything. Bethesda just doesn't seem capable of thinking things through. And if that's the case, how can they make any other new type of RPG? Is everything they make from here on out going to be the same type of shallow puddle?


Fallout New Vegas is my number 1 favorite game of all time. At this point, Bethesda has so completely screwed up the Fallout franchise that it's going to take some major work to fix it, and I don't think Bethesda even realizes what they have done wrong with it. I don't have much hope for the entire franchise. Seriously, the best thing that they could do for everyone involved is to sell the franchise to someone else while it still has some value. Then Bethesda can make some money on the sale, and someone who actually understands what an RPG is can put a proper modern game engine on it, in addition to actually making a real RPG. What I suspect is going to happen is that Bethesda is going to drive the franchise completely into the ground.


I really hope Outer Worlds lives up to its trailer. If Obsidian can start cranking out proper RPGs, I will drop Bethesda like a hot rock. Bethesda can take their microtransactions, cash grabs (*cough* creation club *cough), endless bugs, shallow games, and a complete lack of focus and shove them all where the sun doesn't shine. I've had enough of their crap.


I am definitely looking forward to seeing more about Obsidian. If they can pull this off, they could end up dominating the RPG market, especially if Bethesda continues to give them as little competition for it as possible.

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In all honesty I think Bethesda's gotten too comfortible with the modding community, relying on them to fix Bethesda's shortcomings and i'm all for mods, I love them, trust me, but mods should not compromise a developer's creativity, and it seems like that's what's happened with Bethesda, and it's a shame to, I grew up playing and absolutely loving Oblivion and Fallout 3 is certainly my favorite Fallout game (New Vegas might take that place if I give it more attention but that's for another time


And I also certainly love Skyrim, but yeah, Fallout 4 and 76 are certainly obvious dips in quality, we'll just have to wait and see if the Elder Scrolls takes that same dip with TES6

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Beth USED to make good RPGs. Then, they wanted to expand their customer base, and started porting games to consoles. Then, they wanted to appeal to even more gamers, specifically, the 'casual gamer', so, the games got streamlined, 'updated', etc, to appeal more the the casual gamer. (I think Ma'iq even comments on this when you encounter him in skyrim.) It became more about sales numbers, than making good RPG's. Now, they make action/adventure games with some RP elements. They simply do not fit my definition of an RPG any more.


That said, they are STILL fun games...... I have become addicted to building in FO4........ To the point that I make huge 'houses', every room furnished, with independtly switched lights........

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Fair point, though like I said in my first post, FO4 bored me, the first burn I had fun, but once that ended that's when it got boring, and not even mods could fix that, now part of that could be because I just cannot find and extensive quest mods for Fallout 4 (Skyrim has mods like Wheels of Lull which is one of my favorites. What does Fallout 4 have?

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FO4 bored me too. I couldn't even get through the main quest without mods. I abandoned the game for a while then came back and was able to play through it once I finally got some mods that seriously altered the main quest.


I hated all of the building stuff. If I wanted to play the sims, I would have bought the sims. The DLC was too focused on building stuff. The building stuff was supposed to be optional. Instead, they made it a major focus of the DLC. If you like the building stuff, that's fine, I'm not knocking you, but if you are like me and aren't into the sims, the DLC was a huge waste of money. Heck, the entire game was a huge waste of money. I won't make that mistake again. I used to buy any Fallout or Elder Scrolls game as soon as it came out without even thinking about it. Not now. I've learned my lesson.


There aren't that many quest mods for FO4. It's hard to make quest mods when you have a voiced player and a stripped-down brain-dead conversation interface. I also suspect that most of the modders who could make good quest mods are also bored by the game and don't want to bother with it. On the other hand, there are some decent DLC type mods that are supposed to be coming out soon, like Fallout Miami and Fallout Cascadia.


I thought Skyrim was ok, but it wasn't my favorite game. The main quest was fine, but most of the side quests were too shallow and undeveloped. The College of Winterhold was like find some books, get a staff, and you become the arch-mage. What's the fun in that? It's like washing someone's car and they give you their house as a reward. You don't really feel like you earned it. Same with the Companions. You only have a few things to do for their quests. The Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood were a bit better. I was also very disappointed to learn that much of the main quest was the same no matter which side you picked. I chose the Stormcloaks the first time through, then went to do a second playthrough on the Legion side hoping for much different gameplay. Instead, quite a bit of the playthrough was repeating the same things I had done for the Stormcloaks.


The side quests are what interests me. You play the hero in game after game after game and after a while that gets boring. Oh, yay, I play the hero again. Yawn. Ok, what else can I do in this game? Oblivion and Morrowind had much more to do outside of the main quest.


At this point, I strongly suspect that instead of making interesting side quests, Bethesda will be focusing on adding microtransactions, monetizing creation club, and adding the sims to the next Elder Scrolls. Or they will keep being scatterbrained and will focus on adding a whole bunch of features that none of us are really asking for. But they won't be focusing on making a good RPG.


The main quest will be formulaic, and the side quests will be boring and underdeveloped. That's my prediction.

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One thing Oblivion's story has that I think makes it superior to Skyrim's, (besides the fact that Oblivion's is longer and more interesting) is you're not the Chosen One in the Oblivion MQ, you're helping the Chosen One (Technically it was Martin who saved all of Tamriel, not you) so you could RP an average joe cause you have no special powers or a big destiny to fulfill and could just say Uriel was just a senile old man


And while I would say something about Morrowind (Cause you're the Chosen One there) but I wouldn't want to anger the fanboys for saying something negative about their "Oh so f***ing perfect" RPG

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One thing Oblivion's story has that I think makes it superior to Skyrim's, (besides the fact that Oblivion's is longer and more interesting) is you're not the Chosen One in the Oblivion MQ, you're helping the Chosen One (Technically it was Martin who saved all of Tamriel, not you) so you could RP an average joe cause you have no special powers or a big destiny to fulfill and could just say Uriel was just a senile old man


And while I would say something about Morrowind (Cause you're the Chosen One there) but I wouldn't want to anger the fanboys for saying something negative about their "Oh so f***ing perfect" RPG

In Morrowind, you were one of a succession of 'chosen ones' that had been sent there to 'fulfill the prophecy." You just got luckier than your predecessors. :)

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I know but I mean it as a Negative point to the fact that Bethesda has done the "Chosen One" plot to death with one exception


(I assume they use it in Elder Scrolls 1&2? I dunno)


In Morrowind you're the Nereverine, the reincarnation of the Dunmer Hero, Nerevar, so a Chosen One


In Skyrim you're the Dragonborn, a mortal with the soul and powers of a dragon Chosen to defeat Alduin and save the world


(I'm not clear on your character's role lore-wise in ESO)


But in Oblivion, it's not Destiny that's guiding you, it's all just you being in the right place at the right time, you were in that Prison cell when the Emperor needed to escape through the secret tunnel, you showed up at Kavatch to get Martin only to find it being attacked by Daedra, all coincidence



But I didn't want to anger the Morrowind Fanboys and girls cause it's apparently the "Perfect" Elder Scrolls game, well I got one thing to say to you guys, Cliff Racers, 'nuff said

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I know but I mean it as a Negative point to the fact that Bethesda has done the "Chosen One" plot to death with one exception


(I assume they use it in Elder Scrolls 1&2? I dunno)


In Morrowind you're the Nereverine, the reincarnation of the Dunmer Hero, Nerevar, so a Chosen One


In Skyrim you're the Dragonborn, a mortal with the soul and powers of a dragon Chosen to defeat Alduin and save the world


(I'm not clear on your character's role lore-wise in ESO)


But in Oblivion, it's not Destiny that's guiding you, it's all just you being in the right place at the right time, you were in that Prison cell when the Emperor needed to escape through the secret tunnel, you showed up at Kavatch to get Martin only to find it being attacked by Daedra, all coincidence



But I didn't want to anger the Morrowind Fanboys and girls cause it's apparently the "Perfect" Elder Scrolls game, well I got one thing to say to you guys, Cliff Racers, 'nuff said

I loved cliff racers. They made for excellent archery practice, and there was a never ending supply. :D


In Daggerfall, you started out a shipwreck victim, in a cave...... I never did get far in the story, as the game kept blowing up on me...... (one of the problems with procedurally generated worlds.....)


In the Fallout games (beth's versions) You are no one special, just in the wrong place, at the wrong time......


Of course, beth isn't the only game company to base their games on the 'chosen one', or whathaveyou. It's actually fairly common. Certainly makes it easier to build the main storyline around a 'hero', and not just some joe blow off the street.

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