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SKyrim v1.5.62 - HELP!


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Skyrim SE friends! I need help with a game killing SAVE issue


S0, yesterday, STEEM upgrades us to v1.5.6.2, --we wait for 1 day for the new SKSE64....installed CHECK..


The game now starts, (but with an error from RACEMENU -This version designed for 1.5.53) - Game start anyways...

Everything looks good but ANY TIME ANY kind of save is attempted (F5) , MENU, autosave when moving CELL.


..….INSTANT no warning CTD!!!!!!. cannot make any game progress..


If I remove RACMENU totally,,,, NO EFFECT..




Start a NEW name and everything works PERFECTLY...….

(Even with raecmenu ).


What is so GROSELY incompatible between a v1.5.53 save and v1.5.62 that is causing this!!


Please help me save my level 100 character.! :(



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You should have waited for your mods to be updated for the new skse64..
The fact that skse updated means nothing, all the mods you are using that require skse need to be updated too before you load your save...
Or you could have rolled back to the previous version of skyrimse.exe 1.5.53 and continued to play just fine..
Read the last 3 posts on this thread to see how you can roll back to 1.5.53.

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The golden rule I follow is once I settle on a mod list for play I don't make changes. I don't update, I don't add to it, I don't take mods out.

If you have a stable play through with 1.5.53 and have a significant investement of time into that - revert back to 1.5.53 and continue.

If you don't the choice is yours.

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Granted, but, ummmmm if it is a mod incompatibility,,,, then why does the game work correctly when I start a new game?


Because the new game doesn't depend on older versions like your save...

If you want to save your save from being unplayable you need to revert to the mod versions it has stored in it

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For me topaz777 i had the exact issue with errors. While it may seem like a tiny issue for me it was actually major. without racemenu, the skeleton i had installed wouldn't work. Which means EVERY mod with it as a dependent wouldn't work. Even though none of the actual mods are changed.


My fix was wait for SKSE64 update, then wait for Racemenu update, then reinstall skeleton and behavior stuff.


Bethesda's Mod club or w/e it is called is just another cash grab imo as even the iffy mods on the Nexus and elsewhere are loads better than stuff they are pushing, but it is not going away. So all we can do is lock our SSE installations down as best we can and if we get hit with an unannounced update suck it up and wait til the community sorts us out.

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