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Average approval time for a new game (December 2018)?


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I've created a few mods for Aragami and would like to upload them. I've already uploaded the first one but decided to wait until the game was approved to upload the rest. However it has been a week now and it is still pending approval. I was wondering why the hold up was. Is there something else I need to do?





Link to said mod: https://www.nexusmods.com//mods/2?game_id=2661

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We usually approve games with valid mod entries within a couple business days. That being said, in this case, we were not certain if you do have permission from the authors of the pictures you have used. If you do, please, shoot me a PM and I'll approve the game.

Otherwise, we might need to wait for a different mod entry for Aragami.


That being said: If you have other mods ready to go, as long as you own all the assets or have permission to use them from the original authors, please, do not hesitate to upload them, so we can approve the game.

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Thank you for your reply. I have added a new mod that does not include assets: https://www.nexusmods.com//mods/3?game_id=2661


I will start chasing the images from the other mod, but AFAIK these are images that are in the public domain due to how old they are.


I have a few more mods to upload once the game has been approved :happy:

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I've chased all the used images.


All of them are in the public domain because they pre-date the year 1900. The only exception was this image (https://www.deviantart.com/scabrouspencil/art/Black-Shinobi-124187371). I have removed it from the mod and uploaded a version that includes only images that are in the public domain.



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I submitted a file for a new game addition on Dec 5th, the mod/game was not approved. Usually when this happens, after some time I will use the "report" function (Dec 10th) to draw attention to the file (without posting about it) in the event that it was "lost in the shuffle". Which is the preferred action in these situations, reporting, posting, or other?


Was there an issue with my new game addition file, for Star Wars Episode 1 Racer?

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I submitted a file for a new game addition on Dec 5th, the mod/game was not approved. Usually when this happens, after some time I will use the "report" function (Dec 10th) to draw attention to the file (without posting about it) in the event that it was "lost in the shuffle". Which is the preferred action in these situations, reporting, posting, or other?


Was there an issue with my new game addition file, for Star Wars Episode 1 Racer?


Hey Hatemiser I'll PM you about it :)

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