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Oblivion, Melee Weapons dealing too little damage.


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At the beginning of the game, the weapon damage was fine, it was good enough to kill even armored enemies without much problem, but now at lvl 26 (I Spent a long time without using my melee at all because i was using magic), i spent like 10 levels or so using only Weakness > Spell Magic, and it is pretty strong since my melees weren't enough to deal with the numbers of enemies at once, but now at lvl 26 my character is dealing nearly to NO damage at all, against unarmored enemies or even armored ones, that with 100 Blade Skill, 55+ Weapon Damage and the damage is so little that it is ridiculous.

For Comparison,
I have a Sword with 55+ Damage and it does so little damage to a 200hp enemy that i could slash at them dozens, and dozens of time and they still wouldn't die.

Now i have a sword with 1 damage, BUT it has 30 Shock damage, Before using the sword i throw a Shock Weakness spell on the enemy, and now my sword kills the same 200 hp enemy with just 5~7 slashes, a huge difference, and what is the responsible for this prowess? definitely not the sword, but the Enchantment (Magic basically).

Here's my Load Order

Active Mod Files:
00 Oblivion.esm
01 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.5.10]
02 Fundament.esm [Version ision]
03 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.5.6]
04 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp [Version 1.0.0]
05 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
06 DLCShiveringIsles.esp
07 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.5.9]
08 More Effective Enchantments.esp
09 TreasureChest.esp
0A TreasureChest - OOO.esp
0B Display Stats.esp [Version 2.0.1]
0C kuerteeCleanUp.esp
0D Dynamic Map.esp [Version 2.1.1]
0E Map Marker Overhaul.esp [Version 3.9.3]
0F Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp [Version 3.9.3]
10 Enhanced Hotkeys.esp [Version 2.3.1]
11 DLCHorseArmor.esp
12 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]
13 DLCOrrery.esp
14 DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.7]
15 DLCVileLair.esp
16 DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.11]
17 DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
18 DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.7]
19 DLCSpellTomes.esp
++ DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]
1A DLCThievesDen.esp
1B DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.15]
1C DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.14]
1D Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.5.10]
1E Fighters Guild Quests.esp
1F Mages Guild Quests.esp
20 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
21 DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.12]
22 DLCFrostcrag.esp
23 DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.10]
24 Knights.esp
25 Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.1.8]
26 More Effective Enchantments Knights.esp
27 The Lost Spires.esp
28 Expanded Dungeons - Play Nice Edition.esp
29 Better Dungeons.esp
2A TreasureChest - Better Dungeons.esp
2B Birthsign Zero.esp
2C HUD Status Bars.esp [Version 5.3.2]
2D GuildAdvancement.esp
2E Skill Perk Descriptions.esp [Version 1.1]
2F VanillaCombatEnhanced.esp
++ VCEClassOverhaul.esp
30 Bundlement.esp [Version ision]
31 Oblivion XP.esp
32 OOOShiveringIsles.esp
33 bgMagicEV.esp [Version 1.7EV]
++ bgMagicSpellTomes_for_WryeBash.esp [Version 1.68EV]
++ bgMagicItemSigil.esp [Version 1.68EV]
++ bgMagicEVStartspells.esp [Version 1.68EV]
34 bgMagicBonus.esp [Version 1.7EV]
++ bgMagicEVAddEnVar.esp [Version 1.68EV]
35 bgMagicEVPaperChase.esp [Version 1.68EV]
36 TRAP.esp
37 Birthsigns Expanded.esp
++ bgMagicShaderLifeDetect.esp [Version 1.68]
38 bgMagicLightningbolt.esp
39 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
3A Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp [Version 4.9.3]
3B TestHandlers.esp

Also, this is the Console Log about the damage i was doing to the Enemies.

19:32:24:865: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0810013 damage

19:32:24:892: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.120003 damage
19:32:24:929: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0810013 damage
19:32:24:958: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.117004 damage
19:32:24:984: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0839996 damage
19:32:25:9: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0720062 damage
19:32:25:36: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0780029 damage
19:32:25:64: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.086998 damage
19:32:25:88: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0750046 damage
19:32:25:116: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0750046 damage
19:32:25:142: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.086998 damage
19:32:25:168: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0720062 damage
19:32:25:195: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0810013 damage
19:32:25:226: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0810013 damage
19:32:25:252: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0929947 damage
19:32:25:278: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0780029 damage
19:32:25:305: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0839996 damage
19:32:25:330: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0720062 damage
19:32:25:359: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0780029 damage
19:32:25:387: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0899964 damage
19:32:25:413: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0810013 damage
19:32:25:440: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0750046 damage
19:32:25:465: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0810013 damage
19:32:25:492: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0780029 damage
19:32:25:524: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0810013 damage
19:32:25:550: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0959931 damage
19:32:25:574: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0720062 damage
19:32:25:600: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0720062 damage
19:32:25:622: OnActorUnequip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) unequips Berserk! (FF002038)
19:32:25:626: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0839996 damage
19:32:25:654: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0839996 damage
19:32:25:679: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0720062 damage
19:32:25:703: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0780029 damage
19:32:25:726: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0690079 damage
19:32:25:753: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 0.0359345 damage

In comparison this is what a Sword with 4 Frost damage and some Frost weakness and magic weakness looks like

19:32:13:363: OnMagicEffectHit: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) hit with effect Resist Magic (code 1095586642)
19:32:13:364: OnMagicApply: processing magic item <no name> (FF002068) cast by Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) on Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630)
19:32:13:365: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002069)
19:32:13:369: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 14.0796 damage
19:32:13:399: OnActorUnequip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) unequips Berserk! (FF00205D)
19:32:13:402: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C3E)
19:32:13:402: OnMagicEffectHit: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) hit with effect Reflect Damage (code 1195656530)
19:32:13:403: OnMagicApply: processing magic item <no name> (FF002C3D) cast by Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) on Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630)
19:32:13:404: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C3E)
19:32:13:405: OnActorUnequip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) unequips Berserk! (FF002069)
19:32:13:407: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C40)
19:32:13:408: OnMagicEffectHit: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) hit with effect Resist Magic (code 1095586642)
19:32:13:409: OnMagicApply: processing magic item <no name> (FF002C3F) cast by Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) on Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630)
19:32:13:410: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C40)
19:32:13:413: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 13.1201 damage
19:32:13:444: OnActorUnequip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) unequips Berserk! (FF002C40)
19:32:13:446: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C42)
19:32:13:447: OnMagicEffectHit: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) hit with effect Resist Magic (code 1095586642)
19:32:13:448: OnMagicApply: processing magic item <no name> (FF002C41) cast by Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) on Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630)
19:32:13:448: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C42)
19:32:13:452: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 14.3994 damage
19:32:13:485: OnActorUnequip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) unequips Berserk! (FF002C42)
19:32:13:488: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C40)
19:32:13:489: OnMagicEffectHit: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) hit with effect Resist Magic (code 1095586642)
19:32:13:490: OnMagicApply: processing magic item <no name> (FF002C3F) cast by Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) on Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630)
19:32:13:490: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C40)
19:32:13:495: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 12.4805 damage
19:32:13:530: OnActorUnequip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) unequips Berserk! (FF002C40)
19:32:13:533: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C42)
19:32:13:534: OnMagicEffectHit: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) hit with effect Resist Magic (code 1095586642)
19:32:13:535: OnMagicApply: processing magic item <no name> (FF002C41) cast by Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) on Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630)
19:32:13:535: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C42)
19:32:13:539: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 13.7598 damage
19:32:13:569: OnActorUnequip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) unequips Berserk! (FF002C3E)
19:32:13:571: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF00206B)
19:32:13:572: OnMagicEffectHit: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) hit with effect Reflect Damage (code 1195656530)
19:32:13:573: OnMagicApply: processing magic item <no name> (FF00206A) cast by Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) on Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630)
19:32:13:573: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF00206B)
19:32:13:574: OnActorUnequip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) unequips Berserk! (FF002C42)
19:32:13:577: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C4C)
19:32:13:578: OnMagicEffectHit: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) hit with effect Resist Magic (code 1095586642)
19:32:13:578: OnMagicApply: processing magic item <no name> (FF002C4B) cast by Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) on Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630)
19:32:13:579: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF002C4C)
19:32:13:583: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 13.7598 damage
19:32:13:614: OnActorUnequip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) unequips Berserk! (FF002C4C)
19:32:13:616: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF00206D)
19:32:13:617: OnMagicEffectHit: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) hit with effect Resist Magic (code 1095586642)
19:32:13:618: OnMagicApply: processing magic item <no name> (FF00206C) cast by Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) on Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630)
19:32:13:619: OnActorEquip: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) equips Berserk! (FF00206D)

19:32:13:624: OnHealthDamage: Ancient Vampire Warrior (FF011630) damaged by Nightmare King Grimm (00000014) for 14.3994 damage

MY OOO, MOO and Vanilla Combat Enhanced Damage Multipliers are their default values, so i didn't change anything, would anyone have any idea on what might becausing this, or how i can make my melee weapons relevant again? i had to stop playing because unless i use magic i can't kill enemies.

Thanks in Advance

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Did you look for conflicts using Oblivion mod manager?


Do you remember the mods you installed before the problem appeared?

Hello, the only mods i have installed after starting this playthrough was ConScribe, Event Handler Test, and Uncapper, 2 are Literally mods that make a Log of the Console and the other as the name implies, just a Uncapper, nothing that should impact the Combat in any way.


Also the the Conflicts that the OMM show goes for all the mods and is something i mostly disconsider because everything conflicts with everything, Unofficial Oblivion Patch conflicting with OOO and nearly all other mods and even with the bashed patch and etc..


I installed mods in this game over 5 times from the start to finish, so such conflict reports are not to be trusted most of the time, since its the usual ''Overriden by Bashed Patch'' something that should be expected in some way as that's exactly what the bashed patch is for, also most of the Conflicts shown in OMM are mostly the Bashed Patch.



This is a example of a log about the Guild Advancement mod made by the OMM that said it has conflicts.

Record type: Script (SCPT)
EDID: DarkBrotherhoodScript
FormID: 0002D078
Overrides original entry in 'Oblivion.esm'
Conflicts with Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp


The conflicts shown are exactly what the mod do, it changes the Original Scripts so it can work the way the mod was made to be.


A lot of ''Conflicts'' are literally the mods overriding the Vanilla values, as it should normally do.

Edited by Walkroom
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Check the MOO manual ... you'll find that you need the right type of weapon with certain enemies (and of course that feature can be turned off/tailored to your preference in the INIs).

Edited by Striker879
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Check the MOO manual ... you'll find that you need the right type of weapon with certain enemies (and of course that feature can be turned off/tailored to your preference in the INIs).

I knew about the Slayer Weapons and how they would do ''Additional damage'' to the Enemy, but having a 55 damage weapon dealing less than 2 damage is way too much, i entered the game again and a 16 damage silver sword was dealing 6~8 damage to the Vampires, a very ''crappy'' weapon for the point i'm in the game and in comparison to the ones i already use, because even the 6~8 damage isn't enough to do anything against Most Vampires in that dungeon that have 400+ HP, i can kill the mages with this damage, but some more powerful ones are nearly impossible to kill, as a comparison my Magic Combo, ''Elemental/Magic Weakness > Elemental Spell'' is enough to kill these vampires in 2~3 casts, i can even one shot them if i use a very strong Magic + Elemental weakness and throw a strong Damage spell on them, but i'm stopping myself because my magic is so strong that it its just OP at this point, i can literally one shot everything i want with my Weakness + Spell Damage combo.


Just a points up, my character is lvl 24~26 and the vampires 30+ i don't know if Levels got anything to do with how much Damage my Swords are supposed to deal to them, but that would be pretty stupíd if it did.

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If I'm not mistaken you can turn that feature off in MOO, but you will either need to read the manual or ask in the MOO mod comments to find out exactly how. What you describe is exactly how MOO is designed to work using it's default settings.

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