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Have you read the PPACA?

Marxist ßastard


7 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you read the PPACA?

    • Yes
    • No
    • No, and I don't need to
  2. 2. Was that a lie?

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Had to read it to try and figure out what impact it has on my businesses - finally gave up and handed it to the lawyers to figure out. As for experts - I don't think even those who wrote it or will supposedly enforce it are experts. As for all the internet experts, most amusing stuff I have read in a long time. The whining and crying is especially funny and the political BS and finger pointing even more so. One would think its the end of the world as we know it.
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I haven't read it. I am not claiming to know everything that is in it either. I don't think it is that big of a deal over all.


Also why didn't you make the votes public MB? Could of been nice.

Edited by marharth
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Had to read it to try and figure out what impact it has on my businesses - finally gave up and handed it to the lawyers to figure out. As for experts - I don't think even those who wrote it or will supposedly enforce it are experts. As for all the internet experts, most amusing stuff I have read in a long time. The whining and crying is especially funny and the political BS and finger pointing even more so. One would think its the end of the world as we know it.


Well sweetheart you're definitely going to cough up penalties if you have 50 or more permanent employees ... please note that a part time employee that clocks more than 30 hours a week is

considered as part of the equation and is going to be added to the number of your "genuinely permanent employees" and thus boost the overall number of your "permanent staff".


Enjoy the read .......... Congressional Research service .... Link


Fortunately as a business owner myself I don't have your specific problems as I dwell on the other side of the world, but we are also facing a bit of a dilemma should the twits who run our government

decide that we the taxpayer - approx 5 % of the population - are going to carry the rest of the nation when it comes to funding our Health bill ... yeah joy to the world.


Btw, MB, I did read a chunk of it but seeing that it's your problem and not mine I opted out somewhers along the way.

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Have you read the PPACA?


I just wanna show you what kind of philosophy is behind this question real quick.


They force you to pay for something, they force to pay services, but when you are against that because you don't wanna pay or others to be robbed, you "Just don't understand".


Its by the way the same kind of behavior esoteric new age waster show.


If people, individually, don't wanna buy thats the end of debate.

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Nope. Haven't read, don't want to. Probably wouldn't be able too.... 2500 pages of legalese? I would be snoring after the first paragraph.


For my part, there is only one aspect of it that concerns me. The Individual Mandate. I am totally against the government FORCING folks to purchase a commercial product. Even though it won't apply to me.

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Had to read it to try and figure out what impact it has on my businesses - finally gave up and handed it to the lawyers to figure out. As for experts - I don't think even those who wrote it or will supposedly enforce it are experts. As for all the internet experts, most amusing stuff I have read in a long time. The whining and crying is especially funny and the political BS and finger pointing even more so. One would think its the end of the world as we know it.


Well sweetheart you're definitely going to cough up penalties if you have 50 or more permanent employees ... please note that a part time employee that clocks more than 30 hours a week is

considered as part of the equation and is going to be added to the number of your "genuinely permanent employees" and thus boost the overall number of your "permanent staff".


Enjoy the read .......... Congressional Research service .... Link


Fortunately as a business owner myself I don't have your specific problems as I dwell on the other side of the world, but we are also facing a bit of a dilemma should the twits who run our government decide that we the taxpayer - approx 5 % of the population - are going to carry the rest of the nation when it comes to funding our Health bill ... yeah joy to the world.


Btw, MB, I did read a chunk of it but seeing that it's your problem and not mine I opted out somewhers along the way.


Ah, I see rule 12 still is in force, internet experts still exist and being obtuse is thought to be a form of assistance. My faith in humanity (well, what exists in forums anyway) remains.


Anyway, “sweetheart” there is a saying – It’s the cost of doing business. While I am not overjoyed by the thought of another cost, I’m not about to take the sack cloth and ashes route just yet.

The biggest cost of business is my employees, particularly respecting them and valuing them. Since I have been advised my first option is to move the business somewhere else – what’s one more closed shop and a few more unemployed right? – I figured that probably isn’t the best way to treat people. While I do like to make a profit – at least enough to keep me in kibbles and bits with the occasional bottle of scotch and a good cigar – I’m not going to do it at the expense of some good people, and really, I don’t need a “Bentley parked beside the Rolls” to make myself feel good. However, I do have to treat people well and I do have to do what is right and lawful and I do have to feel that what I do is making at least my little part of the world just a bit better a place. If that means a few dollars less in my pay check, well I guess that’s what it’s going to take, and who knows – it just might help someone, especially when it comes to something like health care.

While it looks like I probably have no specific worries, I think I might just wait for a slightly more “expert” opinion than yours, if you don’t mind.


As for your little problem, there is another saying – buck up, suck it up and get on with it; but you really need much, much more “woe is me...” in your posts to make them really funny.


Had to just come back with the most hilarious part. So many people are looking for "Obamacare" on the web instead of the actual legislation name there is a push on to get search engines to direct people to the correct place. Oh my aching sides.


OK all you "sweethearts"....keep it on topic and refrain from personal commentary. This entire section teeters on the brink of going bye-bye and I am more than willing to push it over the edge.~Lisnpuppy

Edited by Lisnpuppy
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Was just curious how many people on MWSource have read the PPACA before declaring themselves Internet experts on it.

I am equally curious (actually amused) why you have never answered the question whether YOU have read it in synopsis or in full.

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@Marxist Bastard: No, I have not read it. Nor have I ever deigned to declare myself an expert on it or much of anything else for that matter. However, that does not preclude me from having the right to an opinion on how my government goes about running itself, does it? In fact,as a patriotic American, I believe it is my duty to pay attention.


I have not read in toto much of any of the leglislation that passes through Congress. I sort of expect congress people to do that, although I must admit to some serious scepticism as to whether or not they do.


However, I do make an attempt to keep myself aware of what is going on in my country and my government to the best of my ability. I do not see myself as an idiot or a lesser being for not reading each and every bill sent to or from the President for passage. Were it my job to do so, you can rest assured that I would have my fine tooth comb and magnifying glass out along with a healthy dose of "No-Doze"; and when I was done I would know everything there was to know about it. My reading comprehension is unsurpassed.


But I do not really understand your question, MB. Have you read it? And if so, what do you make of it. What is your real opinion of it. Will you enlighten those of us who have not taken the time to read the 2600 odd pages???


At this point I am much less interested in your rhetoric about our ignorance or our unenlightend "opinions" than I am in what the bill really says and/or means to you.

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I doubt that even a lawyer would read through the entire thing, if they had a case that hung upon it, a point of law that required interpretation, they would cherry pick the relevant points and use the indices in order to do that. These days opening up a PDF and using Ctrl+F is your friend. The legal draftsmen who wrote it probably read it all.


I (legally qualified but not claiming to be an expert on PPACA)am ploughing through it. Just as an intellectual exercise as I am in the UK and it isn't relevant to me as such, but I am interested as to how much relevance it bears to our UK system of social care.

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