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I'm trying to make a patch for Ars Metallica that removes certain recipes form the mod. So I copied over the overwrites into its own file, but now what? I've tried setting the Record Flags as deleted and ignored to no avail. I saw someone online suggest I make a condition that says the player should be less than level 0 to use the recipe, but I have no idea how to do that. Any help is appreciated!

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Select the recipe that youve copied and in the right hand pane

click on conditions entry to add a new condition.


Go to that condition and there will be fields that you can click to get a scroll down list of what type you want eg get actor value player level.Other fields will allow you to set comparison value eg 20 and the type of comparison eg >=.So if players level is >= 20 then the recipe will display.


You could try a ridiculous level of 500, if less than zero doesnt work.Ive never tried less than zero before.


Edit if the recipe already has conditions then you may only need to modify one of them,rather than create a new one.

Edited by kryten397
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