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New Site Index - Day 3


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A few days ago we finished rolling our preliminary new index page, complete with feeds. Since then we’ve been carefully combing through the feedback that didn’t contain threats on our lives or the use of pitchforks, fire-lit torches or tinfoil hats and we’ve been gradually working to improve the features on offer. I thought, on day 3, I’d share some of the updates and improvements we’ve made since first rolling out the new index page and just let you know that we’re still working on it and taking on-board constructive feedback.


The change log up until now:


  • Moved the Hot Files thumbnails from the right nav to underneath the large hot files image, where it was before. Expanded the width to take up the entire content area to ensure we can fit the new 6 hot files, up from the original 5
  • Added left and right arrows that allow you to move the hot files image to the previous or next file in the list
  • Removed the tool-tip to the right of the "Your feeds" heading and replaced it with a link to your feed preferences to make it more obvious you can actually manipulate the feeds to some extent
  • Site news is now the default feed for people who haven't set a default
  • You can now disable your activity feed on your profile within your preferences
  • Increased the font size to make it more readable in most areas
  • Large images posted in file news articles are now scaled down in the File news tab to ensure they don't take up too much space (this will not affect the actual news article itself)
  • Fixed an issue with the file news article likes that meant you could like an article an unlimited amount of times
  • Changed the Latest Files and Latest images so that they show three in a row, and 15 per page
  • Entries in the Latest files and Latest Images now show how long it has been since the file has been added to the site
  • The "more" button on the Latest Files and Latest Images tabs will now provide 15 more entries on the same page [note: we plan to update this so that it replaces the current 15 entries, rather than tacks another 15 on to the end. You'll then be able to scroll back and forth through the latest files and images without leaving the index]

If you haven’t already I’d recommend you go to your preferences where you will find options to manipulate your feeds a bit more to your liking, and change your default feed preference. Don’t care about the activity feeds? That’s fine, change your default feed to Site News, Latest Files or Latest Images, depending on what you come here for, and you’ll get that every time you land on the site.


As I said, we’re still very much working on this and appreciate the constructive (with emphasis on constructive) feedback we’ve been receiving.

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Have you made changes to the search code? I just tried searching for "staff", in an attempt to find a mod so that my characters staves don't just disappear when I sheath them, and got directed to the user page for the user "staff". same then happened with "magic". I'm pretty sure I've done similar searches before and not been directed to user pages, and while being able to search for user pages is good... it'd be nice to be able to see the search results among the files instead (or maybe add the user page as a result in a list, like a file, instead of just jumping straight to their page)


Anyway, otherwise I quite like the changes :D

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Thanks for the updates, letting us choose which feed is the default one is much better. I'm still getting used to the new layout though. :P
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I really like the new layout. Sure, it will take some getting used to, but it seems well thought out and ,most of all, it looks -clean and neat- which I always find appealing.
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