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Screams of Brahmin shooting nightkin crash


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so I'm trying to do the Screams of Brahmin quest in Novac but everytime I shoot the nightkin it causes the game to lock up and force me to hard restart my laptop. Every.Single.Time no matter what I shoot, if a bullet, grenade etc hits the nightkin my laptop crashes, no CTD just crashes/freezing forcing a hard restart. Wtf do I do? is there a certain runscript/quest id i can type in to autocomplete the quest? or anything else? really damn annoying

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When the game "locks up" like that, it has gone into an "infinite loop" and is unable to move on, and yet is still executing. In effect it is just short of a CTD. The usual reason is either out of allocated memory or the equivalent of a "Windows Exception code: 0xC0000005". The "Faulting Application" is often the victim of another program rather than the actual culprit, making it virtually impossible for the user to trace the source. Any recent update since the last time it was working correctly is suspect, as are viruses even if you have anti-virus (AV) running. Run AV from multiple sources when checking for infections. There are a number of free online scanners on the internet (though they are all going to try to sell you their services after the first time).

Try turning off any unnecessary background processes, such as "anti-virus" or "anti-malware" programs (unneeded if you are running your game in "offline" mode once you have scanned since the last connection), multiplayer "overlays" like "OverWolf" (this is single-player after all), the Steam overlay, etc., at least on a temporary basis to see if they are interfering. There are also tools (often called "Game Boosters") to help you determine "unnecessary when offline" Windows services you can temporarily shut down.

It is also possible that any recent change to your mods (such as updates) or your existing "load order" (such as additions or removals) have causes a corruption of the current save game file. Try going back to a save game from before the problem started. Often starting a "new game" with a vanilla test character can help confirm if the problem lies in the current load order.

Please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. Don't forget to identify things that do not appear in the "load order", such as if you are using a "regional language version" of the game; using the FNV4GB Patch, NVSE and it's related plugins; replacements for textures (specifically their larger image sizes: 1024x1024, etc.), animations, or "bodies", etc.; and "post-processors" like ENB or SweetFX. It saves us playing "20 questions" and gets you a more specific answer more quickly. (The usual turn-around on post and reply in an older game forum is 24 hours.)

* See "How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments" article for how to use "Spoiler tags".


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