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Knights of the Nine: Revelation - Preview Thread


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You'll get to explore part of the interior of White Gold Tower, namely the area that will eventually become the council chambers, and later on, the basement. I would have liked to recreate the entire tower, but I chose not to delay release of the mod for an area that would have no quest purpose.


Ah well, maybe eventually.

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Yep, KOTN:R should be compatible with almost everything. The only things that it might not be compatible with are complete KOTN overhauls, or mods that heavily modify Tamriel exterior cells (-1,3), (0, 3), (-1,2) or (0, 2) where Sir Gareth's castle is located. I'm not of aware of any mods that that do either. (Though I'm sure someone will probably come along and point out an incompatibility after the mod is launched!)
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Second last image before the mod launches. This one shows one of the features of the new home for you and the Knights of the Nine - an armour display case specially made for the Crusader's Relics. :)
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And... the last picture before the mod launches tomorrow - The Army of the Nine. This should satisfy anyone who's every complained about not having enough followers. ;)


I will be releasing Knights of the Nine: Revelation around midday GMT tomorrow, so only 24 or so hours to go! :)

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It's more for fun than for serious questing. :) Admittedly, my computer is on the powerful side, but I found having an army in tow to reasonably playable provided:


- I closed all other applications and killed all unnecessary background processes.

- I purged the cell buffer after each fast travel or load door.

- I didn't try to fight anything myself as the framerates drop below 1 as soon as combat starts. :P

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