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New Graphics card upgrade?


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Hey all, So im thinking about upgrading my GFX card pretty soon, my old 4890 served me well, being able to run the game on high graphics with lots of texture replacers and hold it at a steady fps too. Im now looking for something that will run it even better, preferably a more powerful single card as opposed to crossfiring. I mainly only play skyrim and the Total War games if it makes a difference. Can anyone recommend a good upgrade from this card where I will notice performance difference? I dont want to spend too much, so im not looking to part with £300+. I'd even buy from ebay if need be. :thumbsup:


Edit: I fear I may have uploaded this in the wrong place in my haste, apologies. :psyduck:

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@scottmack, $465 or less (£300) is probably enough to buy a top-of-the-line flagship single-GPU model from AMD or NVIDIA.

You'll need to decide which camp you want to go with based on technology, support, and driver quality.

You'll also need to decide which 3rd-party vendor you deem is best based on quality, price, and support.

I don't think there are any major issues with non-Crossfire/SLI hardware running Skyrim or Total War games.

Since you're already in the AMD camp you could afford the latest HD 7970 3GB.

In any case, I'd get something with a minimum of 3GB VRAM and a decent quiet cooling design.

Maybe consider upgrading to a bigger better monitor or multiples also.

This is a good forum to research opinions on high performance gear: http://hardforum.com/

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Seeing that your old AMD card held up that well, would it not be good to reason to get an even better Radeon card? Between a 6770 (what I have) to a 7xxx series will do you wonders.
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