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Help name my mod


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So I've been working on this mod for the past several months, originally when I made it for New Vegas, I called it CAM - Chems Alcohol and Meds. When making the mod for FO4 however I expanded the scope a bit further then I had for CAM, and I'm now a at a bit of a loss on what to name the mod. So I come to the community in the hopes that someone can help think of a name, I've got about a month of work left on the mod I think, I still have several things to incorporate, so no rush at all.
*If anyone with modeling skills would like to make a pipe/bong model, I'd be happy to include it in the mod. Mine looks basic and I'd like some variety anyways.
**If anyone that likes taking screenshots would like to play around and get some screens for me, (my PC plays FO4 on weak graphics, slowly) PM me and I'll send you the mod. We all know you need pretty pictures on your mod page :tongue:

-Dozens of real world and some fictional ones have been added with a wide variety of effects. Fictional chems are mostly based on previous Fallout games, a few references to other games or movies, and a few of my own creation.
-With the exception of very few, all new chems have their own custom model and/or textures.
-Chems have visual effects that grow stronger with more chems used.
-Chems durations are generally twice as long as vanilla effects.
-Some chems will add blood toxicity, taking too many dangerous chems results in death.
-A much wider variety of chems including most vanilla chems, can be crafted at them chem bench. Leveling the chemist perk will unlock new recipes.
-Chems can be crafted into overdoses, and used in either the syringer or with a handheld syringe.
-Some chems or medicines can be put into a hypo weapon, and can inject beneficial chems into
-A multitude of chem combos using vanilla and new chems have been added.
-Edited the vanilla effects of jet combos (buffjet/psychojet last 15 seconds? wth bethesda)
-The caffeine effect from nuke has been changed to stimulants, and has been added to appropriate chems.
-Certain chems have several strains, such as meth and marijuana.
-5 Chems require you find a schematic to unlock the recipe.
-Several chems can be cut with other ingredients, cut chems have the same effect, but half the duration.
-Chems will stack with each other, with the exception of similiar effects from chems with the same addiction. (ie, morphine and heroin are both opiates, so their damage resistance effect won't stack.)
-Certain chems have return items now, injectables will give you an empty syringe, inhalants an empty inhaler, etc.
-New addictions have been added as necessary for chems.
-Some vanilla addictions have been renamed and edited to share their addiction with new chems that I felt the vanilla chems were similiar to.
-Addictions now grow stronger as time goes on, you will eventually overcome the addiction on your own.
Addictions have 2-4 stages of addiction, stage 4 is fairly short, but have very debilitating effects, such as random paralysis, shaky hands, etc.
Addictions durations range from 2 game days to 2 game weeks.
Fixer can be used to temporarily ignore negative effects from addiction, without resetting it to stage 1.
-Addictions now have a secondary positive effect, that also grows with addiction stages.
-Addictions will reset to stage 1 when you take a chem that shares the addiction.
-Some new miscellaneous items have been added, used in crafting of certain chems.
-Several "tools" have been added, allowing you to craft or customize chems in the field. (tools are LESS efficient then the same recipe at a chem bench. They are meant to be used on the fly)
Pipe - Used to smoke select chems, increased magnitude while decreasing duration of most chems. Chems that are meant to be smoked (ie: tobacco, marijuana) will have their duration increased.
Bong - Used to smoke select chems, increased duration.
Chem Spoon - Used to cook chems down into a syringe or hypo for injection. Chem injections have a stronger effect, but don't last as long.
Syringe - Used to inject chem overdoses, can also be used to deliver poisons.
Hypo - Can be used to craft support chems, allowing you to have your companions take chems.
Lighter - And all in one tool, used as a weapon, requires flamer fuel. Can access any tool in your inventory.
Inhalant - Can be used to huff chems on the go.
Papers - Used to roll joints and cigarettes, will also let you roll blunts and cigars if you have a tobacco leaf on you.
-New flora has been added, found wild and domesticated, these plants can be grown in your settlements.
-New brands and variants of beers and other liquors, with a wider variety of effects, as well as custom textures.
-All alcohol has longer durations, hard liquor lasts a bit longer then beer.
-Blood alcohol levels are tracked, drinking too much too fast results in death.
-Alcohol will cause double vision that grows stronger as you drink.
-With the exception of beer, alcohol is consumed in smaller portions, most often in 1/4 bottles at a time.
-Most drinks now return a bottle to the player when finished consuming.
-A new crafting station used brewing coffee, alcohol, and nukas has been added to the workshop menu.
-New flavors of nuka have been added, with various effects, and custom bottles. Some are based off of AfroSlayers FO3 mod, older fallout games, or my own concepts.
-Coffee has been added, coffee beans can be planted or ground down and used to brew coffee.
-Nuka and coffee are both now addictive, leading to caffeine addiction.
-A "Chilling Fridge" has been added to the workshop menu, will turn any beverage in the game into an ice cold version over a short period of time. Requires power, if it is unpowered it will revert any drinks to warm.
-Several brands of cigarettes, cigars, and cigarillos have been added the effects for each brand are the same with the exception of one bonus effect, that gets stronger the more you smoke the brand. The first cigarette you smoke will define your brand, which will increase it brand bonus the more you smoke that brand. To change your brand you need to smoke MORE of another brand, then you have already smoked of your current one.
-Smoking cigarettes on survival will initiate an autosave, and will optionally cycle through an animation cycle or equip the player with a cigarette object in their mouth.
-Tobacco can be grown, harvesting will give you a tobacco leaf, which can be converted into rolling tobacco or used to roll blunts and cigars.
-Empty cartons and packs will be added as they are opened, empty packs breakdown for about half of the components.
-Joints and blunts also share the save mechanics of cigarettes. (For now)
-Tribal medicines have been added, that don't suffer the same survival drawbacks as modern medicine.
-Stimpacks and Radaway both heal the same amount, but over a longer duration.
-Bloodpacks now have blood types, I've changed how blood types match up in order for a bit more balance. Your blood type is determined based off of your dominant SPECIAL stat the first time you used a blood pack. Blood packs will heal you for more over a slower period of time if you have the matching blood type. All blood packs also have a secondary effect, which will work even if your blood type doesnt match, but for a shorter period of time. Blood types that are the same letter(i.e. A negative and A positive) will both heal the player, and others will all cause damage.
-Certain meds will return empty containers on use, such as bloodpacks and stimpacks.
-Poisons can be used on bladed or piercing melee weapons, used in the syringer or newly added syringer weapons, loaded into an empty syringe or hypo, or crafted into grenades. They can be found in the AID section of the pipboy, and work how they did in Skryim and FNV.
-Poisons potency is effected by its delivery method, syringes and hypos have an increased duration, increasing the overall damage or extending the effect. Syringer firearms reduce poison magnitude slightly. Melee weapons and grenades have the weakest effect, however melee weapons can use one poison several times, and grenades have an area dispersal.
-18 poisons have been added and syringer ammo has been modified to work as poison as well, totaling 26 poisons.
-Poisons can be made stronger as you learn more about them, with the exception of 2, all have 3 levels of potency.
-Poisons are split into 2 groups: Poisons and Toxins. They are tied to the Chemist and Medic perks. Leveling the perks will increase the potency of potions available, as well as allowing more uses from poisons with melee weapons. Poisons are generally health or SPECIAL effecting and are subject to the targets poison resistance. Toxins have a wider range of effects, and are not subject to poison resistance, unless the target has the poison immunity perk.
-Leveling the corresponding perks will also allow you additional hits with melee weapons.
-Grenades can be crafted from poisons as you level the Demolition Expert perk.
-8 issues of "an Herbalist's Guide to Boston" have been spread around the wasteland, and increases poison efficacy in various ways.
-The two strongest poisons have only 1 tier, and require you find a schematic before crafting.
Edited by senterpat
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'Vices' (minus the stuff on Lover's Lab LOL)


Maybe something more intriguing, like 'Voracious Vices', or some-such. Or maybe 'Visceral Vices'. 'V' is hard one. Perhaps some alliteration - "Visceral Vices & Vaping".


I always thought if I ever made a mod, I would call it "Poo-poo Undies", no matter what it was about, because I KNOW everyone would have to go to and read the page. :P (its actually a line taken from the classic Young Frankenstein movie)


Also, on a much more serious note, have you considered making it work with - or perhaps incorporate if that mod-author agrees - the other major smoking mods?

on This one and This one. It would be awesome if you could get them to work with yours.
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