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Converting a mod beyond me... need assistance


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I've converted a number of mods successfully to the SE game, including the one that this is in.



All the other weapons in it are working as they should, as far as I can tell, including other bows like it. However, for reasons unknown to me, the SSE NIF Optimizer really messes this model up.


As mentioned, this model is a bow and works fine in Oldrim. Is there anyone who has bow knowledge as well as being more knowledgeable than I (not hard to be) in Nifskope and the SSE NIF Optimizer willing to take a look at this model to help me understand what is wrong? Nifskope generates a list of errors that is gibberish to me, and its only after attempting to convert this to SE that it happens, but only on this one model. I may have to leave this model out of my future release if I can't figure it out.


Just let me know and I will PM both the Oldrim and SE versions to you. Thanks in advance.

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So basically what converting this seems to be doing in the Nif Optimizer is stripping the mesh out completely, leaving only the animations framework. I can post a list of the errors Nifskope is listing when trying to open the converted mod when I get home, if that would help anyone figure this out. I know the bare basics of how to make the weapons. If something doesn't work the way it is supposed to I'm pretty useless in knowing what went wrong.

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OK, opening the nif with Nifskope 2.00 Pre-Alpha 6 works on viewing the model without errors like I was getting. The version I was using was Pre-Alpha 2, I think. Probably an update for the program in between versions for SE models, or something. However, the game still does not recognize the model when I convert the meshes with SSE NIF Optimizer, so, although I can now see it in Nifskope, it still doesn't show in-game. Not even as an option on the crafting menu, where I have it. Any ideas at all? It's part of about 100 different weapons, and all the others seem to be porting in nicely. Its just this one for now (still need to run my whole list and check them off).

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Try opening the bow in nifskope and converting it manually.


What I do is the same as I do for armor, though probably not every step is required for weapons.


Spells > Batch > Triangulate All Strips


Spells > Batch > Make All Skin Partitions (this is the part I'm not sure if it needs, because it always tells me "did 0 partitions," but it doesn't seem to hurt anything if I do it.


*If Armor, I usually set number of bones to 60, then acknowledge any message(s) thereafter.


Spells > Batch > Add Tangent Spaces And Update.


I have had some luck with sanitizing before save, but I've also had some consistently ctd upon equip, until I redid them without sanitizing. What I'd suggest doing is going to File and turn "Auto Sanitize Before Save" off. Save after you update the tangent spaces, then turn it back on, and save again with a unique name. Try sanitized version in game. If it crashes the CK or the game, try the unsanitized version instead.

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This problem has been somewhat resolved. Apparently the conversion has somehow changed this particular item's recipe from ingots to refined ore (never used that in my recipes) and thus the item was hiding in the in the lower part of my menu where I can not build those things. I'll admit I was not looking for it there due to my having everything to build it according to the recipe I gave it, not what SSE Nif Optimizer changed it to. Looks like I'm going to have to go into the Creation Kit and re-create it. Might even split these items up into more manageable groups/mods, because I really hate loading 100+ mods at a time to merge them. I know that some enb's are really not liking the lighter textures I used on some as well. At least that way some of the better one without issues might see it to the Nexus website someday.


If anyone knows why the conversion process might change the recipe I would like to know. I feel kind of stupid not looking elsewhere for the item.

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This problem has been somewhat resolved. Apparently the conversion has somehow changed this particular item's recipe from ingots to refined ore (never used that in my recipes) and thus the item was hiding in the in the lower part of my menu where I can not build those things. I'll admit I was not looking for it there due to my having everything to build it according to the recipe I gave it, not what SSE Nif Optimizer changed it to. Looks like I'm going to have to go into the Creation Kit and re-create it. Might even split these items up into more manageable groups/mods, because I really hate loading 100+ mods at a time to merge them. I know that some enb's are really not liking the lighter textures I used on some as well. At least that way some of the better one without issues might see it to the Nexus website someday.


If anyone knows why the conversion process might change the recipe I would like to know. I feel kind of stupid not looking elsewhere for the item.

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Sorry for the repeat post. Nexus was acting up on me.


Thank you thumbincubation. I'll have to give that a try. I'm going to go through my list and make sure this is the only model acting weird. I may have to go all the way back to when they were individual mods, convert one at a time, and then merge the result. Wish I knew more about this stuff. Being a casual modder is a pain when you don't understand why your doing what.

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