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CK Script: Whats wrong with this code? ?


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It is copied directly from the manual



string[] myArray = new string[5]
myArray[0] = "Hello"
myArray[1] = "World"
myArray[2] = "Hello"
myArray[3] = "World"
myArray[4] = "Again"
Compile time error:
xxx.psc(17,19): no viable alternative at input 'new'
xxx.psc(18,8): no viable alternative at input '0'


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iirc to initialize an array, it needs to be placed inside function body, something like:

string[] myArray

function somefunction()
 myArray = new string[5]
 myArray[0] = "Hello"
 myArray[1] = "World" 
 myArray[2] = "Hello"
 myArray[3] = "World"
 myArray[4] = "Again"


call that function whenever you want

Also you can have that array as property and fill it from properties editor box

Edited by shavkacagarikia
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What shavkacagarikia said, but if you want it done when the game first loads the script (not terribly efficient) put it in a block like this.

string[] myArray

Event OnInit() ;Called when the script is first loaded into the save file (usually when the game starts)
 myArray = new string[5]
 myArray[0] = "Hello"
 myArray[1] = "World" 
 myArray[2] = "Hello"
 myArray[3] = "World"
 myArray[4] = "Again"
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