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Hi folks. Did a quick search and found no information, so I thought I'd put this out here.


I'm working on doing some weapon replacements and noticed that in some mods two-handed weapons have an extra nif file *1hander.nif.


For example, mod A will have:





Mod B will have:






I haven't been able to find any info on the purpose of that *1hander.nif file or the consequences of not having it. If I want to replace the model from mod B with the one from mod A, can I delete the third file, or copy the 1stpersonsteelgreatsword.nif to 1stpersonsteelgreatsword1hander.nif? Or will I just be inducing crashes by doing either of those? Any information would be appreciated.

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Open it in nifskope and look at it. Open the mod and right click -> "use info" to find which objects uses it and you can have a look at what it's used for. It could just mean that it's a 2-handed model but as a 1-handed weapon
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Open it in nifskope and look at it. Open the mod and right click -> "use info" to find which objects uses it and you can have a look at what it's used for. It could just mean that it's a 2-handed model but as a 1-handed weapon


Thanks, I'll give that a shot.

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