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Anyone know the fix for fixing combat without moving game to C: drive


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I've just recently got back into Skyrim SE as i have a gaming PC and since my storage setup is standard a ssd for windows and a normal hard drive for games. I have saved and want all games to be on the D: drive. Yet Skyrim has other ideas, i have searched the internet for ages and the general fix is to move to c: drive, but i Don't have any room there.


So is there any other fix like messing with the sound files that i can do or am i forced to play Skyrim SE with without combat sounds.


Ps: the sounds missing are Sword,bow,magic,shield,weapon hits,player combat noises,and probably some more


I understand that you may have had this question asked several times by other people. So sorry if its constantly annoying.


Edit: forgot to put audio in the title

Edited by Brandon522000
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