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Why do the riften guards constantly beat up thieves there


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After The thieves guild get's back on it's feet and your guild master, I notice when in riften the guards are constantly chasing around thieves and beating them to death, I thought getting the thieves guild back up and running got you more respect with all guards?


Just confused by these thieve beatings I see :unsure:

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A pretty poor thieves at that, sometimes I join in the fun. They give thieves a bad name.


Seriously, if you are gonna get caught - at least get caught stealing something more than a cheap candlestick.....


I always try and join the fray. As Guild Master, I figure it's a matter of keeping up the higher standards of the new, improved, guild.

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Candlestick? They usually have diamonds when I check them... but they are pretty poor. Shouldn't the guards attempt an arrest or maybe just cut off their finger or something? The fact that you only see them in Riften does leave the impression that they are connected with the guild... but I guess maybe they are trying to join or something. Maybe someone should make a mod that not only increases their sneak, but also adds them to other areas in Skyrim. Even add some AI to give them a goal. Just an idea. I totally know how to do that too... Well, I don't know how to insert spawns yet, but everything else would be easy. Anyways, I'm not going to do it, but if I was bored enough I would.
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My guess is that they are rogue thieves. Like you , you had to prove yourself before you were selected to be an active guild member. Since the rogue thieves don't start showing up until you start making a name for the guild, it could be on Mavins directive. You already strong armed the few citizens of Riften who wouldn't ... co-operate. Since there were no more holdouts, you don't really want everyone hunting down guild members because some 2 bit cutpurse tried his hand, badly, at lifting a few shiny clinky coins.. Get rid of the rif raff and let the real bread winners bring home the bacon.
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Maven doesn't get directly involved in the day to day operations - she stays behind the scenes and just expects results.


I'd think the increase in random thieves would make more sense in the holds that were just opened up (or are close to being opened up) than in a city that has pretty much been ransacked for everything it's got already. Maybe that explains the thieves that are offed by the guards that have little more than lint in their pockets. :biggrin:


Why on earth those newb thieves think they can accost an accomplished thief on the road, or think they are gonna strike it rich in Riverwood is beyond me. Give thieves the world over a bad name.

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Those Riften guards mean business and not just for a few hapless thieves either. While there during two separate play throughs, Maven and her granddaughter get involved in some scuffle. I never did see what caused it. But the end result is Ingun ends up dead and Maven has a running battle with the guards.


She can't die but she goes down for a few minutes and then resumes the fight. This went on for an hour or so (game time). In one episode, Hemming got into the act. Between the two of them, all the guards ended up dead. Then as suddenly as it started, it's all over and everything goes back to normal.


I can understand weirdness like that happening once, but twice? Fascinating to watch though.

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