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Companion glitch


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I'm currently playing FO3 under FWE and FOOK2. I made a lot of progress without any big issues (level 24 & most missions accomplished). I made my own party, which consists of Lucy West, Star Paladin Cross, Charon & Dogmeat. I was pretty satisfied with this formula because these characters allow me to specify their combat style (sniper, shotgun, big gun and dogmeat as melee).


But today I was quite curious about the real entrance of Vault 87. I must admit I used the "tgm" command in the console so I could wander to the entrance without being killed by the high doses of radiation. When me and my squad arrived at the door, I concluded that the entrance was accessible, something that was impossible in unmodded Fallout I guess. Out of curiousity I entered Vault 87 and inside the entrance glitched. Two sentry bots took fire but I could only see a brown plain ahead of me and in fear of dying I evacuated the vault. Outside I found myself alone and I left the area. After a minute Dogmeat and Charon rejoined the party but Lucy and Star stayed absent. After a while I worried that I might lost them so I used the player.moveto command (I saved the game just before that). I found them both little further from my previous position (snipers shack as I recall). They both were very injured and just to be certain I fast traveled to Megaton to patch them up and review their ammo and weapons. They followed me to my house but when I entered they both fell dead to the ground. I redid the process by returning to my saved game and entered another building, same thing happened. I tried again but now I found them both flying around like elastics and both dying when I fast traveled to any location. I restarted the game hoping this glitch would be solved by this but it made any difference.


I searched the internet for a while but I couldn't find any similar problem. Is there anyone who knows how to solve this? I could go back to an earlier save but that would make me lose a lot of progress since I usually play with quick save and load.



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I'm currently playing FO3 under FWE and FOOK2.

FWE and FOOK2 don't work well together.


Are your companions not essential? (as in: they never die)


It's sound like you might need to reset your companions. First off: remove their gear, weapons and whatnot. You will lose it otherwise.

Then select the NPC in the console and type the following commands:

  • kill
  • disable
  • enable
  • resurrect


I could go back to an earlier save but that would make me lose a lot of progress since I usually play with quick save and load.

Big mistake of course. I'd recommend installing CASM. It's like an automatic savegame manager.


Welcome to the Nexus by the way.

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FOOK has that Gary dude outside Megaton (on the left), he can reset your companions. He can also automatically move their "using" inventory, and the carried stuff remains on the follower, even after the reset. So if they're a little packmule-ish, you don't need to worry :)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thx for the replies. I'll get to it right away!


About the save thing: I usually save the game every hour and in between I use quick save. But I got a little sloppy. Fallout makes you lose the track of time :).

Edited by Djennik
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