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boethiah's calling possible bug


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I'm not sure if it was because I was too far in the game and had killed alduin and Paarthurnax and negotiated a peace deal, I went to get the guy this

video suggested using, but the guy wouldn't touch the pole, I had done this quest in the past with no problem's, but this time it failed, they jerk wouldn't touch the pole!.. :wallbash:


I ended up going back to a save before killing alduin and Paarthurnax and negotiating a peace deal, right back to the beginning after I was leveled out in skill etc and hired sven from riverwood and completed the boethiah's calling quest!..

Edited by sinnerman69
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You need to use followers that are not labeled essential by the game. You'll know they are essential if they cannot die and simply crouch down and get up later when their health bar is depleted by enemies.
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What eLucifer said is the absolute truth.


Here is a list of all essential followers. if they are on the list, they wont touch the pole. You can use the NPC editor or console one to no longer be essential, but you could break future quests. (sounds like you're about done questing anyways)



Edited by Brandy_123
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I created an NPC in the editor and called him WifeBeater. I placed him in Whitetun. He looks good bound to a pole with a scrificial dagger hanging out of his chest. Edited by Brandy_123
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I created an NPC in the editor and called him WifeBeater. I placed him in Whitetun. He looks good bound to a pole with a scrificial dagger hanging out of his chest.

I love this. I never completed this quest because I can't bring myself to sacrifice anybody. I'd totally sacrifice someone named WifeBeater, though. I wish I knew how to use the editor to make a WifeBeater of my own. Or maybe I'd name him Jerry Sandusky. :devil:

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Boethiah's Calling quests (Sacellum of Boethiah southeast of Windhelm).

Question for anyone (like me) that refuses to participate in Elder Scrolls sacrificial type activity or find workarounds,

have you successfully avoided killing a follower (not including using resurrect) using this quest exploit?


Killing all the cultists makes Boethiah angry but she still wants you to do a sacrifice; so, you still need a follower to interact with the pillar.

However, I think its possible to avoid a follower sacrifice by way of an exploit.


1. go to the pillar of sacrifice at the top of the stairs and command a follower (non-essential) to wait.

2. go down and kill all but one cultist leaving their health low enough to kill in one hit.

3. run/hide and sneak back up to the top.

4. command your follower to activate the pillar; then, lead/manuever the last cultist up to the pillar.

- (take everything from the follower prior to commanding them to use the pillar or you may lose it).

5. since the cultist is aggressive against both you/follower, the cultist will eventually go after the follower.

- (make yourself invisible or punch the cultist if necessary).

6. kill the cultist a second or two after he hits your follower and that should trigger the exploit.


This should trigger Boethiah's appearance (due to all cultists being dead) and register a sacrifice.

Because of the way Boethiah's conduit is scripted to appear, the script gets interrupted by the all-cultists-are-dead event; and,

the conduit (body gets taken over) should is not happen to your follower, but the cultist that died last.


Since the sacrifice was already registered, you should get the dialogue as if you killed the cultists AND completed a sacrifice afterwards.

Most importantly, your follower should be fine lol.


argh, anyway, i know all this may sound confusing.. :turned:

Edited by xlcr
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