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Dota 2


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So its just a custom made map for Warcraft3? This DotA2 is an updated version then? I had always gotten the impression it was an actual separate game produced. That's intriguing.


Edit: Just looked it up. It sounds pretty cool. Do you keep ongoing stats for your hero or does it reset everytime you start a match?


i speak for League of Legends as ive never played DotA myself, but i assume it may follow similar logic. anyways, in LoL, you have your main profile. as you play games you gain XP and rank up in level, up to a maximum of 30. each level you gain 1 Mastery Point and 1 Rune Slot. you also gain IP win or lose (but more if you win obv) IP is used to buy Runes as well as new champions if you wish. its the in game currency you can use to buy just about anything. Runes can only be bought with IP. IP cannot be bought with money (though you can buy boosts, which get you more IP/XP per match) so it makes it so you have to put in time to get better and spending money does little in giving you an advantage. Champions however cna be bought with either money or IP.


anyways, ya, so your main profile is what stays constant. you can choose masteries and Runes for your champions (more accurately you make Pages. and you can changes pages when you pick champions. for the most part, a generic page will work for most champions, meaning you can fine tune if you want, or you can just make a one page fits all kind of thing. same with masteries).....anything you do in game to a champion in game is not carried over to the next game.


in LoL i forget how often, maybe once a week? they give a selection of free champions you can use. this means you never actually have to buy a champion if you dont want. though, they change weekly i think.


anyways ya, id recommend LoL personally. i play it all the time. though i stick to Coop vs AI. i dont do PvP. though id prolly be fine now, but when i started (and sucked) just many people in PvP arent friendly sometimes. ive met some nice people sure, just like in any game, but yea. in Coop vs AI, people arent usually as mean, because its a bot game and doesnt count towards overall stats and ranking and stuff. (you still get XP and IP though) so most people arent as "OMFGZ noobz i gotz to winz" ya know?... lol

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I downloaded DOTA 2 yesterday from Steam... and I didn't like it, at all. It's exactly the same to the first dota, just with a better graphics engine. It's got all these little hud "improvements" and other stuff, but nothing essential changed. I dunno, it's just my opinion but I expected something more.
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Hah,LOL,DotA theres not big difference although i like original ideas now meaning games so DotA for me is better than LoL :P,although it didnt changed much Dota 2 of its WC3 version,it has more appealing approach.
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I think LoL is better so far. Much more uniqueness in the characters.


I totally agree, although the new Dota 2 has a great engine, LoL has much more unique characters, better developed, and (in my opinion) better game mechanics. When I played Dota 2 I was unable to accustom to the excessive range of abilities and attacks. It seems also that damage has been increased and one's hp reduced, resulting in much more shorter ganks (even though the map is considerably larger).

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