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WTB working premium service.


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Love the site, and even more the free download servers.

Just wondering if anyone else has had trouble with the premium services either,

1) Being slower than the free saturated servers, or

2) Having no pause/resume functionality, AT ALL. (Even through the use of NMM)


As far as I can tell, people get ripped off.

So why bother going premium if that's the major reason non-modders would pay for the service?


Wonder how long before this post is deleted, or my account is banned? ಠ___ಠ

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Can you provide some more information on your problems? I just tried downloading a few files in Chrome, and using DTA and Fire Fox and I could pause and resume them perfectly fine. Same with NMM.


What site are you using? What files are you trying to download? What file servers are you downloading from? What browser are you using? Are you using the latest version of NMM?


The download system is being reworked at the moment, so new features should be out in a week or two.

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The files I tried downloading were from:




Not sure if you can only resume on small files or not, but I couldn't pause/resume on any of these large files.

I tried out the denver and kent premium servers.


The UK one would sometimes cut out at about 2mb and just stop downloading, this happened on NMM(latest version).

I tried my luck on FDM as well, same thing happened. Been sticking to the US premium server since.


I'm using the firefox addon DTA. When I attempted to pause the dl at about 1-2mb and resume, it would simply start downloading from scratch. I have logged out and back into skyrim.nexusmods.com with no change.


btw, what firefox did you get your DTA to work resume/pause on? I'm running 13.0.1

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having the same problem here.


The files I'm trying to download are JB3Textures for Dragon Age so they're not downloadable via Nexus Mod Manager.


Tried logging out and logging-in from the main site but my download manager (DTA addon for firefox) restarts download when asked to resume. I tried both UK and US premium servers with same results.


Please help!

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Manual downloads and some premium features (like Complete Download History) are causing some troubles here.

It says in my profile over on FNV Nexus I'm a premium member and I'm in a group of 'Premium Member' on forums.


However, is this working as intended?




Not to mention whenever I access Complete Download History it only states 'Premium feature' and that's it.

Have logged in and out on FNV Nexus as well on forums, flushed my cache on all Nexus sites but no avail.

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