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Dysfunctional Weapon Plaques and Racks


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I have two dysfunctional weapon plaques and one non-functioning weapon rack in Hjerim. One has an Ancient Nord Battleaxe stuck on it (nothing when I move the cursor over it) and one is simply empty and I'm not able to place anything on it. There's also one empty rack I cannot place anything on. I also have a problem with a shield rack in Proudspire Manor - when I try to put a bow on it, it just hangs in the air in the middle of the basement instead on the rack.


I know this is a common problem, but I haven't found any fixes. Are there any mods or tricks you can point me to?

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Yeah, you're right about this: it is a common problem with all racks and plaques, Vanilla or not. They simply disappear, float in mid-air or are simply not retrievable even if when they remain visible.


Generally speaking, you're better off using them only with swords, and even great swords - forget bows, and staffs too in many cases. I've got many weapons stuck myself - only cure I found is to reload a previous save. And whenever I use these racks, I make sure to make a new save just to know where to go back if I get stuck again.


For mannequins, Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix mod works great - but I haven't heard of any mod for weapon racks.


Hope you didn't place any quest item on them...

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I started experimenting with console - apparently, there's a way of fixing "activators," agents that take the weapon out of your hands and place it on the rack, using command "SV". I had no luck thus far, but I'll post any solutions I find here. If anyone knows how to do it, please, tell me.
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If you have a save from before they were broken, try this:


- Open Skyrim (if it's already open then close it and restart it)

- FIRST Load your save when they were working

- THEN Immediately load your save where they are broken


It works for me with racks where the rack itself vanishes, don't know about ones with stuck weapons or missing activators.

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I have no save for the plaques, but I do have one back from when the rack was still working. I tried your method, but it didn't work. The rack's still messed up.


EDIT: I have found two tutorials on how to fix plaques with console, however I don't find them quite comprehensive. If anyone can explain them further, I would be very thankful.


So, I made the mistake of putting my Ghost Blade on one of the weapon racks, and now it is MIA. That is OK, as I can get a new one using the console. What I can’t live with is the broken weapon rack or plaque. It is all about the aesthetics people, and I got tired of moving. Anyway, I think I figured out how to fix this issue. This fix involves lots of console commands, so it will only work on the PC. Also, it is not a permanent fix, so don’t rehang your newly appropriated Ghost Blade. This is what I know. The weapon racks have two parts. The first part is the graphic you see, and second an invisible activator. When you activate a weapon rack or plaque, the activator is disabled until you remove the weapon. So you need to re-enable the Activator, but first you need to find the activator.


A) Get in front of the broken weapon rack so it is centered in view. B) Open the console with tilde (~) C) Select the broken weapon rack with the mouse by clicking on it. D) Type “showvars” and press Enter. Use the Page Up and Down keys to scroll. E) You need to know the name of the “Trigger” var. Mine was “HasBeenTriggered_var” F) You also need the number for the Activator under “ActivatorDef_var” G) Type “SETPV <name of trigger> False”. Mine was “SETPV HasBeenTriggered_var False” H) Type “Prid <Activator #>” and hit enter. Mine was “Prid 0006D95F” I) Type “Enable” and press enter J) Exit the console, look away from the Rack, then look back


1. Target and focus the rack you wish to alter/remove

2. Use command SV

3. Copy the objectID after ActivatorRef_var

4. Use command PRID objectID

5. You are now focusing the invisible object that places the weapons move or delete it and it will still place the weapons correctly

Edited by Kinkaid
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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've noticed weapons racks initially working when I first put a weapon on them, but once I remove the weapon by clicking on it in game, the rack stops functioning - can't put anything else on it. This seems to happen more when I use a crafted weapon or mod weapon rather than a just plain vanilla one. The way I worked around the bug on the pc was this:


Press ~ to open the console.

Click on the weapon you want to remove so it's ref id is now displayed.

Enter "disable"

Enter "moveto player"

Enter "enable"

Press ~ to close console.


The weapon should now be on the floor next to you (off the rack), and the weapon rack will allow other weapons to be placed back on it.

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  • 1 month later...

Drop a weapon on the ground, Pick it up using E so it just floats in front of you, rub it on or around the rack or plaque in question. Took me a while to find this fix and I'm glad it worked. My Breezehome Racks didn't have the activate option but this worked when the other fixes didn't.

  • Thanks 1
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  • 4 weeks later...

I've noticed weapons racks initially working when I first put a weapon on them, but once I remove the weapon by clicking on it in game, the rack stops functioning - can't put anything else on it. This seems to happen more when I use a crafted weapon or mod weapon rather than a just plain vanilla one. The way I worked around the bug on the pc was this:


Press ~ to open the console.

Click on the weapon you want to remove so it's ref id is now displayed.

Enter "disable"

Enter "moveto player"

Enter "enable"

Press ~ to close console.


The weapon should now be on the floor next to you (off the rack), and the weapon rack will allow other weapons to be placed back on it.


OMG thx man !!!

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  • 1 month later...
Okay, after much irritation, it seems that there's an issue with weapon types. Scimitars seem to lock an activator, and are prevented from removal. Although katanas are custom weapons, the more standard types seem to work well. The blades katana has big problems, as does the Dragonbane. Most of the vanilla weapons are okay, with a couple exceptions but I can't remember what they were off hand. Bear in mind that custom or modified weapons appear to give the most problems regarding plaques and racks. Hope this helps some of you.
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