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Modern Day Alchemy -- Combine two games


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Off-topic game: Modern day alchemy (game developer addition)

Synopsis: After a night out drinking, you woke up hungry, hung over, and depressed. You don't know where you are and what happened, but you notice two games lying haphazardly on the floor, ____ and ____. Musing to yourself, you went over and retrieved them, a game in each hand. You think to yourself, ahh, ___ and ___ , how nostalgic; I don't know where I am at, but I could do with something to drink. While in your stupor, your hands started to glow, and as if God declared it it so, the two games let out luminescent glows, shining brighter and brighter until-- *BOOM* the circuit breaker went out, and you along with it. The two games formed into one, and subsequently flashed out with the crack of thunder.

How to play: Post two already published game title, next person quotes the previous poster's two combination and announce the results that is the genre and brief description of the newly combined game (title is optional), finally continuing with a combination of their own. Original poster is free to crack the thunder and reveal his/her original post by announcing his/her own conceived concoction.

Poster 1: Games: EVE online , Hell Gate London
Poster 2: Genre: sandbox mmo, Description: Warhammer 40k-isque mmo without the IP and dumb lore by Matt Ward. Games: Fallout 76, QWOP.

So without further ado, who wants to start?

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