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installing apps on secondary drive, determining which should be stored on c


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So if you install office suites, text editors, and probably other lite programs would that dodge the problem you mentioned? I feel wronged some how. (For what it's worth I store all my games I don't play, data on it) and just transfer over the games I do play onto C when I feel like..

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lot's of files contained within the secondary will still cause slow down even if it's small files? eh..


so by lots are you talking in the figure of 100s of ~100mb files/progs?

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If you play beth games, they require moving LARGE amounts of data, on a fairly regular basis. (every time you move into a new cell, the game needs to load surrounding cells.) So, you might see a 'hitch' at cell boundaries, or longer load times going from interior to exterior. (somewhat less of an issue going from exterior to interior, lot less to load.)

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alright, so that clarifies it. as I already mainly locate my main two games on c; the issue you mentioned can be ignored. The real issue is the slowly decreasing drive space on c.. As the programs in question rarely exceed 50 I'll relocate them over to D, ms office, ps, and video editors though I am unsure.

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