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Does the game ever end or have a slide show out come


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Once you complete the main quest, there isn't much that happens other than the guards, the Greybeards, and Paarthurnax acknowledging Alduin's defeat. Anyway, the answer is no to both questions. The game still goes on, never-ending like the previous games, and there's no slideshow showing the summary of what has happened.
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It ends when the Dragon born is tired of the guard's snide comments, the extremely rude children, the very citizens of Skyrim who so quikcly forget all the wonderful and marvelous things you have done for them, the lay persons in the guilds who don't even know you are the master. It is complete, when all the house carls finally figure out you really don't care if they can bear your burdens or be your sword and shield. When you tire of mud crabs that can track you better then any Dark Brotherhood assassin and when you have so much wealth, the draugr leave I-O-U's. You can call it quits when you have not lived in so many of your houses for so long you forget where they are and have so many adventuring trinkets, you have new floor coverings and a junkyard outside of several of them. Your final days will be when you get so bored, you make 1 final save and go on an absolute killing spree and elliminate everything that moves, then console in an ephemeral cheat on the unkillable ones and then kill them too.


That is when it ends. Then you 'll swear you'll never come back to Skyrim. 2 or 3 datys later, you'll start tinkering with the character generation for HOURS then you'll start one to "just see how it looks". days laters, you'll say i'm only gonna try this or that skill tree out and see how it works, then you'll be back here, reading this or posting something similar in a few months after another 50+ levels have fallen to your grand efforts and the character you were never going to start.


I guess to answer your question, it really never ends. :oÞ

Edited by Brandy_123
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