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Finding Textures


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Well, I had this cool idea, and it's going pretty good so far. But, I can't seem to find the textures for the model I want to use.


My idea is to turn the Dwemer Thresher trap into a two-handed weapon.



The thing is, From what I can tell it uses multiple textures, but I can't seem to find any related textures AT ALL.

I've looked through the textures.bsa but I can't find anything.


Any ideas? (I'm very new to modding in general, so forgive my ignorance.)


Also, while I'm at it: How to combine all those textures into a single one, for use with the blade itself?

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Open the .nif of the blade from the BSA archive, then look there. It should give you exact texture names and locations. Then you simply go and get them from there.


And to combine, you could simply combine the UVW, then combine the texture by overlaying.

If you are new, don't bother too much about that. Just keep all the textures.

Edited by Matth85
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