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Armor sunglare issue


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Hey guys, I'm hoping someone out there can help me with a small issue I'm having with a retextured armor set. THe problem I'm running into is that the armor is glaringly bright in direct sunlight. For the most part it looks fine in shadowed areas. Even when the sun is straignt above because of the shadowing but there seems to be an odd washout effect when in direct sunlight. Before you ask, yes I have fixed the alpha in the normal map. The main texture has no alpha and the enviromap has none as well. Although I have tried both of those with alphas with zero change in effect. Is there something Im missing within the settings of the mesh? Any info would be ideal. The armor looks fine but this washout effect in direct sunlight is annoying. Also there is a slight glow to it at night if that helps. THe armor seems oddly lacking a bit in contrast at night. Could this be due to the gold cubemap being used? I'm stumped, Again any info or help would be greatly appreciated.
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open your normal map in photoshop add another layer and paint it black then blend it on to the others to remove the shiny effect to a point, I ran into a similar problem. The degree at which you blend it onto your other layers will determine its shine. Edited by Amasido
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Yep, by em map Im assuming you mean the enviro map right? If so I did indeed darken it. There are only the 3 textures, the main color/diffuse texture, the enviromap and the normal map. Ive worked those to death lol.
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Are you darkening the textures, or making them less opaque? It's the transparency of a normal map that determines the environment map's strength.


Here's one of mine as an example:



The most opaque bits are the actual armour, the shiniest part. The leather is just barely visible, since it's only a little shiny. And then there's cloth that's completely transparent, since it isn't shiny at all.

Edited by McMutton
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