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Can we have a megathread for mods adding FO76 features into FO4?


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Can we not talk about adding features from a crappy, poorly made game...?

I've been biting my tongue on this one...


A mod that removes ALL the NPCs? One that T-poses all the ghouls?


Or one that makes the AI not even notice you (oh, wait... we do have that one sometimes), or that your own bullets don't do anything?


How about a mod that uninstalls the game when you update it? :laugh:

See what you did? You got me started.......


On the other hand, an overhaul that sets the date to 25 years after the bombs fell would be neat - there was an empty pod next to the Sole Survivor's... maybe somebody made it out first. Maybe they met Codsworth and had some adventures of their own. That might be worth doing.

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