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MGSO and FPS issues...


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I have installed MGSO on a clean version of MWGOTY 3 times. I am running the non steam version ISOd off my own discs, my setup is: Win7 64 bit, Intel i7-2670QM @2.2GHz, 8GB ram, ATI Radeon 7690M XT w 2GB dedicated graphics. According to what all I have read, and comparing other setups, I should be able to max this thing out without much, if any issue. I am getting no errors when running the game, just my FPS is choked at 7 indoors, 3-4 out. On UESP forums, someone suggested changing LOD and increasing minimum object size, but when using MGEXE, the minimum static is locked at 150 for near. I'm able to tweak far and very far, and they are set at 600 and 800, respectively. LOD is noted as having a -2 to 2 variable, with mine automatically set at -1. I've tinkered with shaders, different texture packs, AA and AF settings, and various levels of the slider bar during subsequent installations. I've tried registering with the official RPGItalia forums, but I can't log in for some reason, and even when I can, I can't post. I'm hoping someone out there with experience changing the settings can help point me in the right direction. Thanks.


PS: Has anyone used the UC mods, or know of a decent mod list that is using MGSO as a base? I have a lot I want to add, just wondering if anyone knows of incompatibilities out there.

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I think your problem can be overcome quite simply. You appear to be using a laptop machine. These are fine, but DON'T use them for games - you will have the same problems you have just described! Have you got a PC .of your own, if you have, it doesn't matter if you use bit systems as long as the games you use are compatible with it.


As you have discovered, laptops do not easily conect to th internet; however PC's DO. I would suggest you transfer your game to a PC as soon as possible, using your laptop for games as little as possible.

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I would agree for the most part. However, I've been laptop gaming over five years now and never had these kinds of issues on any game, high end or otherwise. I'm unsure where internet connectivity comes in to play here, considering neither Morrowind nor MGSO require it. That being said, I can run both Aion and Rift at full graphics with no problems whatsoever. I do appreciate your reply, and while I agree tower gaming is better because of upgrades and such, I don't agree that laptop gaming is impossible or even bad by any means.
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OK I quite understand; but you must realise that I and others like me need to know the operating parameters of your laptop!


We need to know the processor speed, the number of cores. the amount of RAM you have, details of your graphics and sound cards, it would also be a good idea to let us know of your PSU details.


I fully appreciate you have played games before, but have you taken note ot the new games power requirements? Often it is a good idea to look int this sort of thing rior to purchasing a game.


I use a PSU system that a present gives 550W, but I can increase zxthat to kive 1000E (1KW)! However my system does not yet require this upgrade to the PSU. And I am well able to monitor my system's performance.


The machine I an using at present is a midi-tower pc, using Windows 7 Professional, a quad-core CPU and a VERY good graphics card - the sound is on-board but the motherboard is ASUS.


I suggest you look at my profile, you will see ALL my computer spes there.


Anyway, check the games you have and see if they are compatible with your machine; remember some games do NOT work with other O/S'x, Windows 7 has a system that allows a game that plays on Windows XP to be played via an "emulation" system.


I have looked at your profile; there are no notes there with regard to your computer. By the ame token, if you look at my profile you will see ALL the daat of my computer to hand.

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Indeed. My basic specs are in my original post. Although you talked about your PSU, I'm presuming you mean GPU, OS, CPU, etc when talking about power requirements. I'm well aware of game requirements in regards to my system specs. My personal specs are above par for most games, even by today's standards. Regardless, I would think very few people today are running a system incapable of Morrowind vanilla. Very few systems would last ten years to be truly outdated by its standards. All tech speak considered, not gaining even one FPS by fully scaling down MGSO to its bare minimums screams of software issues and limitations, not hardware.
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with the advent of the graphic extenders like the mg series, morrowind players will experience similar problems to modded oblivion.

if you turn off distant land in oblivion you get a major performance boost because all of the distant lod does not have to be rendered.

same with mgex3 that i use, turn the distant lod settings down a few clicks and the game runs like husain bolt

I have a decent system with 3gig graphics and 16 core and massive ram, but there is a limit anyway with what the engine can handle.especially oblivion. I have found morrowind to be more tolerant to my whims though. have you run the morrowind code patch?, also make sure that bloodmoon if installed is updated patch wise.

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BTB's fixed version of MCP 1.6.5 is part of MGSO 2.0, so in short, yes the code patch has been ran. As far as distant land, I've tried turning it off entirely, scaling it back to 5 cells, taking away everything but the green (little to no performance hit) addons using MGSOO. And I'm running GOTY, so there are no official patches necessary. Edited by ldnmaster
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